Thursday, December 20, 2012

Baby boomers: Launch a new ship of discovery

You are a baby boomer who is ready to retire. Much to everyone's surprise, you are thinking seriously about launching a brand new career.

"What? You are launching a new career?” they ask. “But you have had one for forty years? Why on earth would you want to do that now, especially at your age?"

Reality is such that times change; so do people and their careers. Does launching a new career as a retiring baby boomer make any sense? Perhaps it does to you, but not to anyone else. (Your family and your friends have probably put you into a box that is already sealed, packaged and labeled with one occupation for life.)

"Wasn't your career choice, the reason that you spent your family's hard-earned money?” your inquisitor continues. “Have you forgotten how much money they invested in your university education? Are you just going to throw that all away now? What a pity! All of your efforts are wasted. Your mother and father would be so sad!"

Who is supposed to give you permission to change careers at this time in your life?

Guess what! As a baby boomer, you do not need to have permission from anyone to change your career. There is no ‘rule book’ that says that you cannot launch a brand new ship of discovery!

How you launch that new career as baby boomer depends upon you. In other words, if you can see your way to do it, go for it.

Begin by researching your new career idea first. Maybe you have a number of different ideas. Do not expect anyone else to understand them.

You may be amazed at what you find on the Internet with respect to possible career options. Times have definitely changed. There is a multiplicity of possible options for new career choices. It is no longer just doctor, lawyer, teacher or nurse. Are the alternative career choices appropriate for baby boomers?

Look realistically at your current job. That door is obviously closing.

Maybe you have been tired of that job for a long time, but you are too embarrassed to tell anyone. Perhaps your current job is too tedious. Maybe your work is becoming more strenuous than you are able to handle or are willing to admit. Perhaps you cannot cope with your current job mentally or emotionally. You know that the excitement about your job disappeared a long time ago. The challenge is no longer there for you.

Now begin to look ahead, realistically.

Can you find a new career (not necessarily a job) that is not going to be too tedious for you? Yes.

Can you see yourself working at a less strenuous task, one that you can handle mentally, emotionally and physically? Yes.

Have you found a career option that excites you and offers a brand new challenge? Yes!

That may be exactly what you are looking for!

Now take the number of possible career years that you still have ahead of you into consideration. Do you want to put all of those coming years into studying? Be aware that you may have to do that in order to reach the career level that you desire to achieve.

Realistically, you know that you may be running out of time. In fact, you may never have an opportunity to pursue a career in a particular field after you finish studying. In other words, you may be older than you think or feel. (Do not admit that to anyone but yourself.) Do not let that stop you. Entering into an extended academic program at this time of your life may not be the best choice for you to make; on the other hand, it could be the wisest decision that you will ever make.

You could pursue a doctorate. There are no ‘rule-books’ that forbid that. It may be only thing you want to do for the rest of your life. Perhaps you have always wanted to do that, but never could? Maybe you never had the time, money or opportunity to pursue that particular career.

What are you really interested in doing for the rest of your life? In other words, what kind of a career would you like to pursue now? What makes you happy? What excites you? What is your passion?

Pursue your passion!

There are numerous places where you can take various tests that will show you courses or career options that are appropriate and realistic for you to pursue as a baby boomer seeking a new career. Your courses and new career choice should be something that you are interested in pursuing.

Do not waste time fretting about something that you were interested in forty years ago. That opportunity may have passed you by completely. Those doors may still be open and if you are still serious about pursuing a career in that area, start by making some serious inquiries.

You know what mental, emotional and physical limitations you have. Be realistic about them. If you are honest with yourself, you know that if you feel appropriately challenged you will probably aspire to rise higher than ever in terms of a new career.

Do not let others make your new career decision for you even if you decide to talk to them about it. Listen closely to what they have to say. How you talk to them is as important as what you say to them. Always be aware that this is your life and your career, not theirs. Sometimes a career counselor can be more helpful than someone who is close to you.

You are in control of the new career ship, not your first mate, second mate or some wide-eyed pirate who is only interested in a free ride, or stealing your ship.

Your spouse or your children cannot make this decision for you, as much as they would like to do so. They probably realize that you are wrestling with your new career decision and want to help you. More than likely, they have your best interests at heart too. They love you. No one can make this decision but you. Your grandchildren, other family members or friends, may think they that should tell you what you could or should do. Hear them out, but the decision is ultimately yours, not theirs. 
(If they make the decision for you, they might relegate you to a senior's retirement home where you can play blackjack with your friends for the rest of your life. After all, you are retiring…right. Retired people go to senior's retirement homes to play cards, so that they are not a burden on their families.)

If you believe that, then you really are in trouble.

How you launch your new career is something that only you can decide. A lot will depend upon what direction you decide to go in terms of your new career. Consider all of your options first and then make a learned decision. It is far easier to change careers when you have the help and the co-operation of others, but that does not always happen. (Remember that your family and friends may keep on trying to put you back into the same career box. They are accustomed to see you doing exactly what you have been doing for the last forty years. They are comfortable with that. No one likes change, as it can seem threatening. You may have to teach them to think outside of that particular career box.)

Once you have made your decision, go for it. You will know if the decision is right for you. Then do whatever it takes to launch that new career. Others will soon realize that you have made the right decision when they see that you are happy and successful in your new career.

The career choice is yours. Launch that new ship, but as the captain, not the crew! Do not let any pirates dissuade you either. Offer them the option of walking the plank instead!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Circadian rhythm and biological time clocks

How do doctors and nurses manage to work such crazy hours? 
The inside life of hospital doctors and nurses is far more complex than the majority of outsiders will ever know. There can be many reasons for this including patterns in work shifts, as well as balancing home life. 
For new doctors and nurses who have never worked in a hospital environment for any length of time, juggling home life with work can present numerous problems, particularly at first. For example, registered nurses and doctors have to contend with sleep disorders that involve shift work. At the same time, hospitals always function with doctors and nurses working a wide range of shifts. In fact, they come and go all day and night. 
Maintaining a healthy life style is very important for doctors and nurses, as well as their families. This means that doctors and nurses need to get sufficient sleep, in order to cope with their work, as well as their personal lives. 
Let us examine the topic of sleep disorders more closely because 'when' doctors and nurses sleep, does have a definite bearing on what happens in their personal lives. Sometimes what happens with regard to their sleep can be positive, while at other times, it may be negative. Understanding circadian rhythm and biological time clocks will help doctors and nurses who have problems adjusting to working shifts in hospital settings. Shift work can wreak havoc on the personal lives of doctors and nurses as well as their families, at any time, because it increases the level of stress that they are under. 

Disturbed sleep patterns affect their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. While shift work sleep disorder can bring about tremendous upheaval in the lives of doctors or nurses and affect their work, as well as their home lives, it does not necessarily have to do so. 

What is shift work sleep disorder?
"Circadian rhythm sleep disorders are a family of sleep disorders affecting, among other things the timing of sleep." (1) 
What happens to doctors and nurses who experience circadian rhythm sleep disorders? 
"People with circadian sleep disorders are unable to sleep and wake at the times required for normal work, school, and or social needs." (2)
Can working shift work at a hospital prove to be a positive thing for those who have circadian rhythm sleep disorders? In other words, can they still get enough sleep?
"They are generally able to get enough sleep if allowed to sleep and wake at the times dictated by their body clocks.  Unless they have another sleep disorder, their sleep is of normal quality." (3)
This suggests that when doctors or nurses understand their biological clocks, they may be able to work the hours of shift work that are most appropriate for them with respect to their normal sleep patterns. Thus, at times, shift work can prove to be a good thing for those who do understand and are able to meet their sleep needs.
Because every person has his or her unique biological clock, the family life of a doctor or nurse can suffer, if there are other members in the family who function on different circadian rhythms.
There are two kinds of circadian rhythm sleep disorders. There are those that are extrinsic and those that are intrinsic. Extrinsic sleep disorders include shift work sleep disorder and jet lag. Shift work sleep disorder affects those who work night shift or rotating shifts, while jet lag affects those who cross several time zones. (4)
Not all doctors and nurses work shift work, but many do and thus may suffer shift work sleep disorder. Both doctors and nurses tend to travel, so there will also be times when jet lag can be a problem too.
Intrinsic circadian rhythm disorders include delayed sleep phase syndrome, advanced sleep phase syndrome, non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome and irregular sleep-wake pattern. (5)
Let us examine intrinsic circadian sleep rhythm disorders more closely because doctors and nurses, as well as other family members will benefit from becoming more aware of them. In fact, every person in a family may be able to adjust his or her hours of sleep, work and play around them, to some extent.
Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) "…causes a much later than normal timing of sleep onset and offset and a period of peak alertness in the middle of the night." (6)
These doctors and nurses tend to go to bed late and are often most active and productive in the middle of the night. Evening or night shift can work out perfectly for them especially when they have the opportunity to sleep during the day. Problems arise when others do not allow them to sleep in the daytime.
Advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS) "…causes difficulty staying awake in the evening and staying asleep in the morning." (7)
These doctors and nurses tend to go to sleep early in the evening and rise early in the morning, so they will function at their best when working day shift. They may frustrate spouses and others who insist on an active social life night and sleeping in.
Non-24 "…causes the affected individual's sleep to occur later and later each day, with the period of peak alertness also continuously moving around the clock from day to day." (8)
These doctors and nurses tend to be the ones whose constantly changing time of sleep, allows them to function on continually rotating shifts. Spouses and family members who insist on maintaining regular routines often have difficulty with those who have this kind of sleep pattern.
Irregular sleep-wake pattern "…presents as sleeping at very irregular times, and usually more than once per day (waking frequently during the night and taking naps during the day) but with total time asleep typical for the person's age." (9)
These doctors and nurses tend to be the ones who function well on any kind of work schedule, but they always need to take catnaps at work and at home. Taking catnaps at work can lead to dismissal. Taking catnaps at home all of the time often upsets other family members.
Still wondering about the inside life of hospital doctors and nurses? Perhaps their patterns in work shifts have far more to do with personal circadian rhythms and biological clocks than we are ever aware of, at any time.
Balancing home life and shift work becomes a lot easier when one begins to understand circadian rhythms. When a doctor or nurse can adjust his or her work or shift schedule to function in conjunction with his or her circadian rhythm, he or she will be able to obtain sufficient sleep. The doctor or nurse will become healthier and happier. His or her work and home life will improve 
There is an added bonus!
Circadian rhythms also "…affect body temperature, alertness, appetite, hormone secretion, etc." (10)
That means these doctors and nurses who follow their circadian rhythm feel great! No wonder doctors and nurses are able to work such crazy hours!
(2) Ibid.
(3) Ibid.
(4) Ibid.
(5) Ibid.
(6) Ibid.
(7) Ibid.
(8) Ibid.
(9) Ibid.
(10) Ibid.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Understanding an author platform

For authors, understanding author platform is crucial. Anyone who writes should have an appropriate way to ‘show case’, display or present his or her writing to others. Building an author platform is one way that authors can do that and increase their chances for success, at the same time.

What is an author platform?

The article entitled “What is a Writer/Author Platform?” uses a simple definition suggesting, “Platform, simply put, is your visibility as an author”.

In other words, the author platform will reveal “who you are”, “the personal and professional connections you have” and “any media outlets”.

Ask yourself this question. 

What is the image that you would like to present to the writer’s world on the Internet?

While not every author understands what an author platform is, others recognize it as a place where they can present their collective works for others to read. An author platform is not a writer’s market in itself, but it can prove to be beneficial as a potential marketing tool. For example, when a publisher asks for the portfolio of an author’s writing, the writer can direct him or her to his author platform.  

Consider these aspects of understanding an author platform.

Author profile and identification:

Keeping an updated writer’s profile on an author platform is important, as it allows the author a way to identify him or herself, so that others can relate to him or her immediately, regardless of the genre in which he or she presents his or her work. Many freelance writers use different genres and ‘show case’ them on the same author platform.


Professionalism is a key to building a successful author platform, as well as for success as a writer. Publishers are not likely to seek non-professional writing. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the keys to professional and successful writing on the Internet. Networking with other professionals is also a good idea. 

Internet footprint:

The Internet footprint that an author creates when building an author platform will help to determine his or her success as a writer. In other words, what a freelance writer writes and publishes on the Internet is important in terms of how others perceive it. Many of the writer’s works will be from specific timeframes and a potential publisher will be able to see the changes in his or her work over time, as the first foot print leads to another and then to others.

Do the footprints on an author platform reveal steps or miss-steps by an author?     

Being aware of how valuable an author platform can be or become, will result in authors appreciating the merit of this kind of a website. They will take more pride in their writing when they see it in terms of their work is being ‘show cased’ on a website.  

Of course, the success of any author platform is dependent on the individual author, the time and energy he or she puts into writing and how he or she chooses to display his or her work. Anything worth doing is worth doing to the best of one’s ability and building an author platform is worth doing well.