Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Almost Lost Hat

A weekend honeymoon across the border seemed perfect for the young newlyweds, who were looking forward to starting their new life together. It also meant that both of them could be back at work on Monday morning, bright and early.

Their weekend reservations for a downtown city hotel had been confirmed. It was just a matter of finding the hotel in a large, hilly city that was totally foreign to both of them.

It was actually a gorgeous day, with gusts of wind tossing brightly colored leaves everywhere, as they pulled into the downtown hotel parking lot. The hotel itself was huge and almost foreboding, other than for its architectural elegance. There was not a soul in sight other than the friendly, parking lot attendant at the gate, who assured them that their vehicle would be safe in the parking lot.

It was extremely windy, as they got out of their car and gazed upwards at the building. It had been a very long drive. 

Being self conscious, the newly weds gazed at each other shyly, but lovingly. The new bride smoothed out the wrinkles in her going-away outfit which was a beautiful, soft, turquoise wool suit, ideal for an early, October wedding. The groom did the same thing with his jacket.

"Let's do this!" suggested the happy, young bride, sensing embarrassment not uncommon to newly weds. "After we get checked into our room, we can explore the city and have a romantic dinner."

"Sounds good to me," the groom replied. "I will get our suitcase." As he opened the trunk of their car and pulled out their suitcase, there was a tremendous gust of wind, then another and another.

"They said this was a windy city," he  commented with a grin, trying to close the trunk of the car. As he placed the suitcase on the ground, the wind knocked it over and the lock popped open. The entire contents of the suitcase spilled out and were scattered in every direction. The newly weds quickly scurried after them.

"Whew!" said the young groom, as he hurriedly stuffed everything back inside the suitcase and locked it, not realizing that the young bride still had her turquoise, feathered pillbox hat in her hands.

"My hat!" she exclaimed, as the wind caught it. The pillbox hat rolled across the parking lot, and she chased after it. When she finally caught it, she promptly plunked it on her head.

"You can't wear that!" her new husband exclaimed laughingly, suddenly aware that the parking lot attendant was watching them, and smiling. "Everyone will think that we are newlyweds!"

"We are!" replied his new wife. "I am goring to wear it and am not carrying it into the hotel!"

"You almost had a lost hat," said the parking lot attendant, with a grin. "Congratulations, newlyweds!"