Sunday, May 27, 2012

Eclipsing the Darkness

"Eclipse the darkness and shed new light."

Literary ingenuity enables freelance writers to take virtually any topic and expand it further and thus enhance it in some way.

It is like the sun suddenly breaking through from behind the moon, during an eclipse. The darkness of the moon signifies that which is already known, while the sun's rays, stretching out beyond the moon's perimeter, enter into the realm of discovery.

What lies in the darkness is yet to be discovered. As new discoveries are made, they should be documented or recorded by those qualified to write about them. Thus the task and the horizon of online freelancers continues to expand.  

Each freelance writer has unique priorities and preferences, when it comes to his or her mode of literary expression. What this means is that his or her readership can legitimately have the expectation of reading something new and different, at any time. While seeking to understand something further and write about that which is already known, or that which is found in the current realm of understanding, new discoveries are frequently made by freelancers.

What is discovered should rightly be attributed or credited to the freelancer who discovers it. The amount of work put into writing should never be under-estimated and every freelancer should be paid appropriately for his or her work.  Many freelancers write and are never paid for what they write, or if they are, the payment is often minimal, a mere token of appreciation or an incentive offered to encourage the freelancer to write more.

Addressing global marketing for freelance writing leads into the topic of writer's markets and appropriate pricing for articles produced by freelance writers everywhere around the globe.   

What is the appropriate payment for a freelance writer's article?

How is it calculated?

Continued growth of the Internet means that more online content producers will be needed. Eclipsing the darkness and shedding new light, is every freelancer's mandate and presents an ongoing challenge.    


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