Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The controversy about absolute and conditional truth

The question of whether truth is absolute or conditional is controversial. In His era, Jesus Christ introduced a new concept, that of the Personification of the Truth. Within that context, Truth is Absolute as there is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, as the three manifestations of the Divine found in the teachings of Christianity.

Speaking in terms of Christianity might be offensive some people. To those offended by Christianity, has anyone found a perfect solution to the human problem of barbarianism yet? Christianity teaches the love of God and one another and thus an end to barbarianism. Why be offended by something or someone who teaches peace? Does not the entire world seek peace?

So I return to the original question.

Is Truth Absolute? Yes, Truth is Absolute when one is referring to Jesus Christ, as the Personification of the Truth. 

Perhaps I might suggest that the entire concept of Truth can generate many different levels of understanding. On a higher plane of Divine thought, Truth encompasses both Absolute truth and Conditional truth. That is not so on a human level of understanding, but there is room for absolute truth and conditional truth and if humankind does err, then there is forgiveness.

Anyone can state from a human plane of existence that truth is conditional. In other words, what I see can differ from what you see. Since no two people see the same way, does that make truth conditional? 
In other words, it's state of being conditional may be based upon your perception, or my perception. What happens when two or more people see it as the same thing? Does that make it more or less conditional?

Taking it further, there is Absolute Truth that is Divine Truth and absolute truth that is human truth. There is Conditional Truth that is Divine Truth and conditional truth that is human truth. Is there a perfect answer? God's Truth would be perfect Truth, or Absolute Truth. Anything else would be less than perfect truth.

Consider all of these possibilities: Absolute Truth or absolute truth, Absolute Truth or conditional truth, Conditional Truth or absolute truth and Conditional Truth or conditional truth. There is also Absolute Truth as Divine Truth, Absolute Truth as human truth, Conditional Truth as Divine Truth and Conditional Truth as human truth.   

Perhaps the right question is not being asked from a human plane of existence. If or when I am able to come up with the right questions, I will likely know the answer too. In the meantime, I can rest assured that God's Truth would be Absolute, whether humankind sees it as Absolute, or not.

That raises the problem of human perception again. Those who are 'of God' should see the way that He sees. Those who are 'not of God' would see differently. Interestingly, the Bible suggests that God opens man's eyes to see and his ears to hear. What he sees then is truth. Those who do not have their eyes and ears opened are still wearing blinders and are deaf to the cries of others.

Perhaps we all might pray that God would open our eyes to see and our ears to hear regardless of whether or not we have an answer to the question of whether truth is absolute or conditional.

The bottom line is "God is Love." How we see and hear should be in terms of His Divine Love.

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