Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Steps for Achieving a Lifetime of Financial Goals: Achieving Financial Success One Step at a Time

The old adage, 'a penny saved is a penny earned' is still true today. Achieving a lifetime of financial goals is possible with good financial planning. It begins with a penny and that penny is important.

Consider the following steps.

Begin to set financial goals for yourself and your family early.

Even little children can learn to achieve their own short and long-term financial goals. For example, a four year old can begin to save pennies in a piggy bank, from his or her allocated allowance and use it for something that he or she needs or wants. If he or she does not spend it or all of it, the amount saved will grow. After a while, it will overflow from his or her piggy bank. At that time, parents can open a savings account for the child. In the bank, the money will continually generate interest. The child, shown how the money is growing, will learn to take pride in his or her savings account.

Develop a budget focused on needs rather than wants.

A child can learn to budget by being taught how to differentiate between needs and wants. For example, every child needs to have lunch at school and may want extra snack food, too. Carrying or purchasing a lunch that meets his or her needs. allows the child an opportunity to decide whether to spend or save his or her allowance, as well as any extra money he or she has earned on what he or she wants. It is usually a good idea to put extra money a child has saved into his or her savings account, as interest will accumulate. A child can understand what a bank statement means and watch his or her savings grow. 

Encourage good spending habits in teenagers.

Teenagers develop good spending habits when taught how to spend their allowance money or other money that they earn, on only what is worthwhile. For example, a teenager will learn to purchase a good jacket rather than spend all of his or her money on hamburgers and pop. He or she can learn how to shop for quality items that are on sale, like running shoes and boots. He or she can work to earn extra dollars for special purchases, including electronics or sports equipment.

Practice saving money for emergencies and for the future.

Young adults can allocate part of their money for emergencies and practice saving money for the future. There is an easy way to do it, namely, pay your self first. Before any of his or her income is spent, he or she can deposit some money for emergencies and savings into a special bank account. He or she will learn to save money for a new car or home, as well as for a wedding and a honeymoon.

Start an educational fund for your children.

Young parents can establish a savings account for their children’s education. By the time the children are ready to go to college or university, there will be a sizable savings with accumulated interest.

Invest your money wisely.

Investing money carefully, on a regular basis, will help to secure a lifetime of financial goals. Inquire into retirement savings programs, as well as stocks and bonds, making certain that the investment you choose will be secure. At times, the best investment can be property.

Avoid the use of credit cards.

Avoiding the use of credit cards prevents overspending, as well as the necessity of repayment with high interest rates. Parents may give their teenagers credit cards, not knowing where they will use them or how much money they will spend with them. Everyone needs to learn how to use credit cards wisely. Insist on receipts for purchases, keep accurate records and develop responsible repayment practices. Set a good example with your own use of credit cards.

Keep accurate records of your income, investments, savings and spending.

Know how much income you have coming in and how much is going out as fixed income, as well as variables. Do not overspend. In other words, do not waste money that you do not have or cannot afford to spend. Maintaining accurate records on a regular basis, will help you reach your lifetime financial goal and achieve financial success.

Note that because of the ongoing global, economic status, it is always wise to plan for major purchases. As you plan ahead, be aware of the value of a dollar. Sometimes it is not how much you have, but how much you save, rather than spend that determines your success in achieving a lifetime of financial goals.

Monday, September 8, 2014

How Are People Communicating Differently Now Than They Were a Decade Ago? Communication is Always Changing

With the introduction of the Apple smart phone with Internet and multimedia capabilities, the i-Phone and its innovative technology appears to be on the verge of phasing out in favor of other, more recent modes of communication like the Blackberry. It becomes increasingly obvious that people everywhere are communicating differently now, than they were a decade ago.

Change in communication is inevitable in any era, as people turn to innovative, new and more convenient modes of communication. The other kinds of communication are not ineffective, non-functioning or obsolete, as that is not necessarily the case. They are simply phased out when their time is up and they no longer meet the needs of the masses.
What never changes is people’s preference for the innovative, new modes of communication that are more challenging and exciting. People demand modes of communication that work or work better than the previous ones that have proven to be imperfect, at best.

“Right now, much of what enterprise IT values in BlackBerry is missing from the iPhone” the Blackberry vs.iPhone - the business smartphone faceoff…”

Addressing technological change entails technological education and expertise, creating a challenge in terms of ongoing research. 

“In the past decade, BlackBerry has set the standard for enterprise-grade, reliable and secure mobility,” Brian Reed suggests.

Time will tell whether the i-Phone proves to be preferable to the Blackberry, in terms of actual business and consumer usage. Not everyone wants or needs a business-oriented mode of communication, so wherein does the real market lie?

The i-Phone has only recently entered the global market, but will it stand up to its claims and meet the growing needs of people on a global basis? Only time will tell.

“Meet the needs of the enterprise IT organization; meet the needs of the enterprise user; be easy to do business with,” appear to be the basic criterion for technological change, at least as far as IT business is concerned at this time.

Reality is such that technological change is inevitable. Addressing the needs of business, leads to technological change. Address the needs of the masses globally, may prove to be the primary factor in terms of technological communication successor or failure.  

Other modes of communication in the past decade have served their purpose, like house phones and land lines that have transitioned to cordless phones. With changes in the economy and more people working, the need for house phones and cordless phones has diminished. Cell phones have been replacing cordless phones to meet consumer needs. Cell phones are being phased out with the advent of smart phones that have Internet communication capabilities.

Marketing strategies change each era, as do the economic platforms of affordability. In other words, cost effectiveness coupled with technological advances are two of the factors that have helped to determine how people have communicated in the past, are communicating now and will be communicating in the future. The quest for perfect modes of communication will not end; nor should it.

Tips for Setting Short-term Financial Goals: How to Save One Thousand Dollars

Setting and meeting short-term financial goals often presents a challenge and is not always easy, but it is possible with common sense and ingenuity.

The following tips on how to reach a short-term financial goal of a thousand dollars may prove to be beneficial to you.

Distinguish between your short and long-term financial goals.

Recognize that there is a difference between short and long-term goals.

For example, you want to save a thousand dollars for the down payment on a new car. Initially, you may be asking yourself if you can take that money out of a previously established, retirement fund.

Is it a wise thing to do? There is an old saying, “Do not rob Peter to pay Paul.”

In other words, your new financial goal of saving one thousand dollars is a short-term goal and your previously established retirement fund is a long-term goal. Do not take money out of your retirement fund to meet the needs of a new, short-term goal.

Determine exactly how much money you need for your new, short-term goal.

You may consider doing research into car purchases because what you think may be sufficient for the down payment on a new car may not be what you need. Note that you may need more than a thousand dollars. Take into consideration other possible expenses and find out exactly how much more you need to save. Set that as your new, short-term financial goal.   

Determine approximately how much time you are allotting to yourself for saving the money.

Time is important in terms of being realistic about saving money. You may need to extend your proposed time. Trying to save too much money, too fast, can be frustrating. Allowing too much time can deter saving money and increase the likelihood that you will spend the money you save somewhere else.  

Establish a budget.

Being aware that you should not use your long-term savings, you may be asking yourself where you will find the extra thousand dollars to put a down payment on a car.

If you have not already done so, set up a budget that includes your actual income, weighed against your fixed and variable expenses. Begin to look seriously at your current variables or financial needs, as opposed to your wants and desires.

Make certain that you always have enough money to cover your fixed expenses first, on a monthly basis. Be aware that you can adjust your variable expenses in such a way that you are saving money. Keep a record of everything that comes in and goes out, as well as how much you are saving.

Set up a savings account.

If you have not already done so, set up a savings account for the money that you are saving. Determine approximately how much income you are saving every month by adjusting your variable expenses. Meet your financial needs rather than your wants. Saving this money consistently instead of spending it, is an important step towards reaching your new, short-term financial goal of one thousand dollars.

Include emergency expenses in your savings account.

When you are setting up your savings account, make certain that you are allowing enough money to cover a six-month period in case your source of income is lost or compromised, in some way. You may need money to make car payments later. In other words, save for a rainy day. 

Consider taking on other employment.

When you are not able to make your budgeting goals meet in a way that you can reach your financial goal within a reasonable length of time, you might consider taking on other employment to meet your short-term financial goal.

Consider other possible options.

If you are aware that your financial needs are in excess of your actual income, you might consider selling some of your previously accumulated assets, things that you no longer need or want. In other words, weigh your assets against your liabilities. Selling some assets can raise extra money that you can then save towards your short-term financial goal. 

You might also consider taking out a loan. Remember loans accumulate interest that has to be paid, too. At times, interest rates can be relatively high.     

If you are into more serious saving, consider consulting a financial manger to assist you in investing wisely.

Pros and Cons of Savings Accounts: The Art of Saving Money

Everyone should have a savings account, even though there are a number of pros and cons with respect to setting up a saving account and maintaining it on a regular basis.

Consider the following pros and cons:

Early education in finances:

Every parent should teach a child the art of saving money as soon as possible, beginning with pennies, nickels and dimes saved in a piggy bank. When the piggy bank is full, if his or her parents take the time to open a saving account for their child and continue to deposit money in that saving account on a regular basis, the amount of money will continue to grow and accumulate interest. This is to everyone’s advantage.

Establishing a financial, learning curve:

Even a relatively young child can learn how to save money. It is important for him or her to establish a financial, learning curve early, as his or her future may depend upon how he or she handles his or her money over time. He or she has the joy of watching a bank account grow. His or her parents can explain why saving money is important and offer further guidance in terms of an ongoing financial learning curve for their child.

Establishing an education fund:

Many parents feel that setting up a savings account is a time consuming inconvenience for them, but looking ahead to the future with the child’s best interest at heart, the money that is saved can be designated as part of an education fund for college or university ensuring higher education for their child.

Meeting unexpected financial needs:

Parents that have established a saving account for their child, may find that their own financial needs are such that it is necessary to take the money out of the child’s savings account to meet their own unexpected needs or the unanticipated needs of the child. The savings account serves as a nest egg but depleting the savings account may defeat its original purpose.

Understanding bank charges and interest rates:

It does not take a lot of money to open a savings account, but when opening one it is important to look at ongoing bank charges and interest rates. What is the monthly maintenance on the saving account? Is the account a high interest savings account? Is the interest rate relatively low?

It may be worth the time it takes to talk to a financial adviser when setting up a savings account, whether it is for a child, teenager or adult. In other words, initially setting up a savings account may be feasible financially, but later, there may be other ways of re-investing that same money with respect to receiving higher financial returns.

Saving money in a saving account is always a good idea for anyone, regardless of age.

Because the options for investing and accumulating interest on savings are increasing, at the same time as the interest rates on saving accounts are dropping, being aware of one’s financial options at all times, becomes vital.

Saving money and earning interest on it is an art.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How to Succeed With a Recruiting Business

Succeeding at a recruiting business can be exciting, fun and a challenge for you to consider, especially if you love talking to and working with other people. Establishing and setting up a recruiting business requires a motivated, ambitious person with a sound knowledge of professional, business principles. Ideally, this is a people-person with excellent, interpersonal relationship and communication skills. Does that sound like you? Setting up a recruitment business might be the ideal occupation for you.

Consider the following tips.

Design a business plan:

Initially, it is important to determine where the actual need for recruiting lies in your local area or field of expertise. In other words, where are the current demands for recruitment? Make serious inquiries locally.

Consider doing some research about the area where you plan to set up your business. Do Internet research and learn about your competition, as well. suggests that there are needs in the following areas: recruitment for professional and non-professional healthcare workers, recruitment for colleges and university students and recruitment for native employment

You might also consider recruitment for childcare workers or businesses that do marketing or surveys. There is the possibility of seasonal workers recruitment for Christmas, other holidays or summer employment. Be aware that recruitment for teenagers may benefit your community.

Register your business:

Registering your business under an appropriate, business name immediately establishes your credibility as a legitimate business owner. You should receive guidelines about entrepreneurship and home-based businesses.

Set up your recruitment office:

A business office setting for a recruiting business should have appropriate office equipment including a computer, printer, scanner, telephone and fax machine. This kind of a business can be set up as a home-based business, but wherever the office it is located, it should have its own entrance and parking area.

Ideally, there should be a private office for you as the business owner, as well as an area for meeting and greeting potential, recruitment candidates. Ask yourself where you plan to interview your recruitment candidates.         

Set up your business records:

Set up your business records, so that everything you need will be immediately available when you are ready to start.

Bookkeeping and accounting:

You may be able to do some of your own bookkeeping and accounting, but if not, for income tax purposes, consider hiring a part time or full time, professional bookkeeper or an accountant to assist you.

Consider hiring other staff members:

You may choose to work alone at first, but as your business grows and the demands increase, you may find that it is to your advantage to hire other staff members. Perhaps you need a secretary to screen your calls and set up potential recruitment candidate appointments for you, while you are contacting possible employers.

Begin to advertise:

Professional advertising is important in terms of your business success. Decide how and where you will advertise. You may be able to set up your own web site for the purposes of advertising, as well as submit advertisements to local newspapers and journals.

If you are knowledgeable about computer graphics, create your own recruiting business flyer or if not, have a professional, graphic artist design one for you. Create you own business cards, if you have not already done so. Make certain that they have your recruitment office contact information. You may want to create a resume or employment form for potential recruitment candidates to take to employers. Creating a recruitment contract may be a good idea, too. Remember that word of mouth is an effective way to advertise.

Determine your plan of action:

Initially, you have the option of contacting potential, recruitment candidates on a one-to-one basis, which can be a lot of work for you, or setting up recruitment sessions for groups. If you have a designated area in your office for small or large groups, this works well. Make certain that those who visit your office will feel welcome and comfortable.

You may also consider finding other possible locations for recruitment like businesses where you can hold job fairs, high schools, colleges or universities. Consider hiring motivational speakers or employment counselors.

Determine your income:

A recruitment agency receives payment for the number of recruitment candidates that it is able to place. Establish your criterion for payment so that your income level is appropriate and your expenses, as well as your recruitment office expenses, are covered. Will you receive a portion of what your candidates earn? Perhaps your business will receive payment for seminars that open the door for potential recruitment candidates. Will you receive a bonus if your candidates succeed? Factor that into your recruitment contract with employers.

Attitude and atmosphere:

When planning for success in any business and more specifically, a recruitment business, establishing and maintaining a personal attitude of success is vital. Be positive and constructive with respect to everything you say or do, as you are setting an example for your potential recruitment candidates. Setting a happy, healthy atmosphere will encourage them to succeed. Be a motivational person and your candidates will be motivated towards success, as well.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What is the Future of Desktop Publishing?

Will desktop publishing continue to grow? With an eye to the future, the horizons of desktop publishing appear to be expanding more rapidly than ever. There are numerous reasons for this including the reality that desktop publishing has become increasingly feasible for the majority of Internet users.

Knowledge continues to grow in many, different directions and will continue to do so. Human beings have an innate desire to share their knowledge with others and always will seek to do this. Desktop publishing allows this possibility.

The availability of desktop publishing as a publishing option, in conjunction with the reality of almost anyone being able to attain desktop publishing skills during our era, makes this increasingly feasible. Many young, potential publishers are seriously interested in pursuing this direction in terms of publishing their own work, particularly with respect to creating and building their own web pages, web sites or blogs. So are baby boomers and retiring seniors.

“Desktop publishing: A case study” suggests increased growth of desktop publishing in the academic field.

In other words, desktop publishing is no longer something that is only possible for certain individuals, groups or organizations. Globally, desktop publishing is a growing option for the increasing majority of people who desire to communicate regularly with others, on a global basis. Remember that the population of the world continues to grow also and will increase the demand for desktop publication.   

There are a number of factors in the equation of the future of desktop publishing. With respect to predictions with respect to the future, these include the following:


Publishing on the Internet remains relatively affordable at this time, but one might ask whether it will continue indefinitely. No one can deny the reality that there are those who seek to acquire Internet monopolies that may limit desktop publishing affordability over time. As long as publishing on the Internet remains relatively affordable, it will continue to expand.    


The Internet presents an opportunity for a potential market and as such, is likely to continue to grow in the future. Whatever people anywhere can create, they will attempt to market and sell to others. Desktop publishing opens a potential, global marketing horizon for them. As long as there is a viable marketing platform, more and more people will seek to use it.      

Knowledge base:

The Internet presents a potential platform for the expression of almost any kind of knowledge, with the exception of the publication of inappropriate content. There is a growing awareness that increased regulation with respect to desktop publishing content would be beneficial. If knowledge becomes limited in terms of its definition, this horizon may decrease. The definition of knowledge should be continually expanding, not shrinking.


The Internet remains a credible and viable tool for almost anyone seeking to publish appropriate content. It also offers a potential, publishing platform for anyone willing and able to acquire the necessary skills to use Internet tools. No longer does one have to be an academic or computer geek to use a computer for desktop publishing. Various desktop publishing platforms, designed in such a way that almost anyone can use them, are increasingly available on the Internet. As long as these kinds of publishing platforms are available to the public, people in growing numbers will attempt to access and use them.       


With the continuation of technological advances, including the Blackberry and recent introduction of i-Phones, it becomes apparent that desktop publishing will continue to increase in terms of its demand. Note the use of e-books and e-readers and the demand for content for them.   

The future of desktop publishing may undergo some major technological transitions in the future, but more than likely, in terms of the expansion of its horizons, desktop publishing will continue to grow indefinitely.   

How Media Affects Teenage Behavior

How will the Blackberry and i-phone influence your teenager’s behavior?

In an era where the Blackberry and i-phone are immediately available to teenagers globally, it becomes apparent that the media will bear an increasingly strong influence on teenage behavior, unlike other media of the past, monitored at home by parents. The media can and will affect teenage behavior in a positive, as a well as negative way.

The article “Media's Influence on the Teenage Brain” by Dr. Meg Meeker suggests that the influence of the media on teenager’s behavior can be frightening.

Consider the possible ways media affects teenage behavior.

Communication and awareness:

Increased communication via the Blackberry and i-phone will help to increase your teenager’s awareness of his or her own community and country, as well as global awareness. Developing increased communication and awareness are appropriate for teenagers, unless what the media presents or communicates to them is adverse, negative or potentially destructive patterns of behavior that they may mimic.

Teenagers tend to follow the example of other teenagers, regardless of the previous teaching and example set by their parents and teachers. For example, a group of teenagers can learn about and participate in global, philanthropic projects that set a good example for others. On the other hand, they may choose to follow protests and riots without parental awareness and guidance in respect to their actual involvement via a Blackberry or i-phone. This kind of a scenario can become potentially violent.

Knowledge and understanding:

Access to the Internet on a Blackberry or i-phone allows teenagers increased knowledge and understanding about personal, family, community, country and global issues or concerns. This is a good thing, as it teaches them how to cope with life more effectively.

When the knowledge communicated to teenagers becomes negative, destructive and potentially harmful to them and others emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually, the benefits of the Blackberry or i-phone mode of communication for teenagers may become questionable.

One must ask whether the teenagers are old enough to deal with all of the social concerns that can influence their behavior in an adverse manner. Perhaps it becomes more important than ever for increased regulation of content on the Internet, because of the increased number of teenagers with access.

Social media

Social media platforms allow teenagers to communicate with other teenagers on a far higher level than in any previous era. With smart phones, teenagers choose what they wish to communicate socially and regulation becomes increasingly difficult and problematic.

Understanding the reality of continuing technological advances and development in terms of media platforms and communication, as well as the rate of changes or transitions in the media, is important for parents as it will affect teenage behavior everywhere.

Parents and teachers represent a major influence with respect to the behavior of teenagers, but at some point in time, they relinquish control and can only trust that what they have taught their teenagers will prevail. Many teenagers will experiment, as well as learn by trial and error that negative, adverse, behavior patterns lead to potential problems.

Like any other tool, media tools used in a positive and constructive way, can influence teenage behavior in a good direction. Parental guidance is always important, but there are times when teenagers become independent and have to make their own choices.

Are teenagers growing up too fast in our era? Do they know too much? Is the media influencing their behavior? To this, one can only suggest that there is a balance between the good and the not-good influences of the media, particularly via the Blackberry and i-phone.