Monday, July 21, 2014

Elements of a Good Quote: Discerning Good Quotes From Others

Freelance writers and others recognize a good quote when they see one. They learn how to employ it effectively and appropriately in a wide variety of literary projects, in order to accomplish a specific purpose. When used appropriately, a simple quote can make a more powerful statement than an entire article.

Understanding what a good quote is can help freelance writers use it appropriately. In many ways, a good quote is like putting the finishing touches on a piece of artwork.

“The artist is the only one who knows that the world is a subjective creation, that there is a choice to be made, a selection of elements, ” a quotation by Anais Nin.

What is a quote? suggests that to quote something is “to repeat or copy the words of (another), usually with acknowledgment of the source” or “to cite or refer to for illustration or proof.” It is also used within the context of “to repeat a brief passage or excerpt” or “to state (a price) for securities, goods, or services”.

For freelance writers and others, a good quote entails a judgment thereof and offers a number of unique elements including the following:


Truth rings true in every era. Truth in the form of a brief, unique and different literary statement, has the power to touch and change the lives of people over different generations. People value truth and statements that ring true to them. These are the ones they hold dear or treasure. 

Timeliness or timelessness:

Writers in every era have created quotes that live on, as there appears to be an element of timeliness and timelessness to them. In other words, at almost any time and in any part of the world, they can be quoted and be appropriate for that time and place.  


Quotes reiterated throughout the ages offer simple but profound messages that strike an inner cord touching the hearts and minds of people, mentally, emotionally and often spiritually.    


Good quotes offer inspiration to others, even those who may have difficulty understanding other methods of expression or communication.

Openness to interpretation: 

A good quote is open to a multiplicity of different kinds of interpretation. Many of them have double meanings or many meanings, on different levels of thought.

Other important aspects of quotes include the following:

Use of quotation marks:

The use of quotation marks identifies a quote as such and draws attention to it. It can also signify a voice that is speaking.   

Accuracy of literary source:

The accuracy of its literary source confirms the validity of a good quote. There are quotes that have unknown or anonymous sources, difficult to track down in terms of actual origin or authorship. Quotes may change meanings when translated in other languages, so accuracy of source is always important. Avoiding plagiarism is important when using any quote.     

There are quotes and then there are good quotes, the ones that are better than others. Working with different quotes over time in terms of literary projects, will assist a freelance writer to discern between the two.     

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