Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Role of Ambassadors in Other Countries: Career Profile of an Ambassador{

The role of ambassadors in other countries can be an exciting and challenging career choice for students, as well as present a unique opportunity to a select few who demonstrate potential in terms of representing a country, people or a cause like world peace. In order to understand the career profile of ambassadors in other countries, a definition of the word ambassador may prove beneficial.

What is an ambassador? suggests that an ambassador is “a diplomat official of the highest rank, sent by one sovereign or state to another as its resident representative” or “ambassador extraordinary or plenipotentiary”.

To simplify this, an ambassador serves as an authorized messenger or representative, whose role it is to carry out a mission for his or her country or act in the capacity of being a representative. To prepare for this role, obtaining a good, academic background and experience in the realm of national and international politics and/or political law could prove beneficial.

Communication skills and interpersonal relationship would be a valuable asset when it comes to interaction and involvement with other countries. Knowledge of history, different cultures, linguistics and different languages may be of value.

In this era of global economic decline, monetary skills in relation to international exchange, would be important. Because of rapidly growing technology and the increasing importance of the Internet on a global platform, being current with computer programs and programming, as well as smart phones, wireless technology and cell phones is essential.

While no two ambassadors have exactly the same role, an ambassador must be willing and able to travel, as well as be prepared to live and work in foreign countries. A good, working knowledge of health and travel requirements may require research. Excellent writing and photography skills would be to his or her advantage. Teaching skills may also prove important.

Literary professionals including writers and poets frequently become honorary ambassadors, when their work is of merit on a national or international level.

Becoming an ambassador may be a student’s career goal and one that seems idealistic and yet it is possible to achieve. Any student may have an opportunity to serve as an ambassador for his or her high school, college or university by being involved in cross-cultural programs, particularly those that entail spending time studying on an international level.

Humanitarian programs offer an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with ambassadorship in other countries. Volunteer programs can also be of benefit, particularly when it comes to fundraising for other countries where people are suffering from poverty or malnutrition. Students often become ambassadors to other countries through involvement in choirs, bands or orchestras that focus on international outreach.

Professionals may serve as ambassadors in other countries in order to extend their areas of research. For example, a doctor specializing in specific fields may start clinics or outreach into wilderness or over-populated areas, where there is a demonstrated need. An agriculturist may become an ambassador by introducing different crops or methods of agriculture to under-developed countries.

Motivation in a positive, constructive direction is vital for anyone desiring to become an ambassador in another country and then the realm of possibility is unlimited.

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