Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to Measure the Effectiveness of Social Media Platforms

Is it possible to measure the effectiveness of social media? Social media and its effectiveness is something that may not be easy to measure, but the possibility of measuring it, does exist. 

When we use the term social media and discuss the possibility of its measurement, we are talking about the usage of Internet or mobile technological advances, like a Blackberry or an i-phone, that make it possible to have interactive dialogue between individuals. It also includes specific interactive web sites, like Facebook and Twitter.

People have always been social beings seeking to interact with other people and always will be. Social media platforms on the Internet and on smart phones make this more possible than in any previous era. At this time, social media platforms are growing in leaps and bounds, revealing a high level of communication effectiveness on a global basis. 

How to measure the effectiveness of social media is of interest to those who are attempting to construct a social media platform. 

Social media strategy 101: 7 tools you need to get started", offers some suggestions.

One of the most accurate measurements for the effectiveness of any social media platform becomes evident in how people respond to using it. It is measurable in terms of their degree of happiness or contentment with the social media platform under scrutiny. They can depict their happiness or unhappiness in various ways. At times, how they respond to using it may be positive or negative in terms of their verbal or graphic expression in relation to it.

Perhaps measurement of the effectiveness of social media in a more abstract manner, lies in the philosophical interpretation of the meaning of human happiness or contentment. When people are happy with respect to a particular type of social media, they will use it. When they are not content, its usage drops off.

Satisfaction or dissatisfaction is evident in terms of verbal or other messages to the owner of the social media website or to others who are interacting on it. It is possible for the owners of social media platforms to document, chart or graph levels of satisfaction, positive or negative, as expressed by others. They can alter the social media platform technologically, in accordance to their findings. This may be with respect to particular aspects of the social media platform or the entire platform itself. 

Because the social media platforms are continually changing technologically, nothing is static in terms of its actual measurement of effectiveness.

Social media platforms that require payment will probably never exceed free ones, although they might be easier to measure in terms of actual volume or usage. This may occur in terms of increased regulation or the tracking of global marketing. The effectiveness of smart phones is measurable to some degree in terms of actual sales.

In conclusion, one must suggest that the number of active users on a social media platform on a regular basis, is probably the best measurement and indicator of the effectiveness of any particular social media.     

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