Friday, July 19, 2013

Writing for the Internet

For freelance writers, writing means writing, editing and publishing various kinds of content, scripts or manuscripts for the Internet, and this may lead to publication in the form of  blogs, e-books or actual books.
Traditionally, the expression writing scripts has taken on a multiplicity of different meanings, all the way from the use of different kinds of language scripts, meticulously "scripting" ancient writings or poetry by hand with pen and black ink, or written manuscripts that are included in letters, old documents, etc. Manuscript writing includes various genres of literature like plays, novels, short stories, books, etc. Nowadays, the word script can also refer to computer fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or some of the older "scripts" like Old English text. It can also refer to script associated with the field of entertainment.
There are key issues with respect Internet content writing, editing and publication, which may include the following:
Search engine optimization (SEO)
In the article, “SEO tutorial”, discusses techniques for improving visibility of content for search engines.

“SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the activity of optimizing Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.

Search engine optimization standards are extremely important with respect to writing, editing and publishing content, script or manuscripts for the Internet. Enforcing SEO standards helps to increase the professionalism of Internet publication. Web pages that fail to meet SEO standards may be subject to severe criticism, or even the deletion of content, web pages or even web sites.         
Appropriateness of genre and content
One of the key issues with respect to writing for the Internet is the appropriateness of content for the script, manuscript, or specified genre. For freelance writers, genre always dictates the style of script, at least to some extent. For example, a play requires dialogue, while a news report requires documented data that is verifiable. Fiction writing allows a fair amount of literary freedom with respect to its manuscript, while a magazine article is looking for specific content in terms of its focus or topic. It is always important for a freelancer to consider the specifications of a web master or a web site when writing any kind of script for the Internet. This may also entail writing appropriate script for different readerships, with respect to language, race, culture or age.
Presentation of script content
Various kinds of scripts have specific criteria for presentation on the Internet. For example, poetic writings generally take on the style of different forms of poetry like haiku, ballad, shadow or galloping cowboy poetry. The script of a play usually has its own distinct format with descriptions of settings, acts, scenes and dialogue between characters, etc. 
Length of script
Writing a script or manuscript can vary in terms of its length. For example, a news report is limited in its length, as it must be easy to read quickly and requires facts, as opposed to fiction, and accompanying specific dates, times and places of events.  A fiction manuscript can be much longer, but may also include reference to, or liberties taken with actual historical events.
Successful, marketable Internet content, scripts or manuscripts meet basic requirements. They are positive, constructive and often highly motivational for readers. Many of them can be applicable to any era. They may or may not have accompanying photography or illustrations as writing appropriate content often serves that purpose.  

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