Saturday, August 23, 2014

How to Use the Law of Polarity to Stay Positive: Learning How to Stay Positive

Staying positive is an active choice that you make every single day of your life, whether you realize it or not. 

Staying positive addresses one of the core, basic or central needs in our lives, that is to be and stay focused in a positive direction. While it may not always seem easy, understanding how the law of polarity works in your life can help you to stay positive.

What is the law of polarity?

Chuck Danes suggested, “Within the darkest of life’s perceived trials and hardships lies the means as well as the ability to find and experience the light.”

In other words, even the darkest night in one’s life has a pending dawn and the blackest tunnel has a bright light at the end of the tunnel. At times, it takes a traumatic or dramatic transition in life to find the good in among that which appears not good or downright bad.   

“Learning to fully understand, comprehend and master the law of polarity is necessary in achieving the sense of harmony, fulfillment and well being that you consciously desire and have the potential as well as the ability to fully explore and experience in your life.”

You know that you desire to be fulfilled and happy.

The article entitled, “The Law of Polarity” suggests there are a number of vital factors involved in achieving a positive attitude. These include consciousness, accepting personal responsibility, self-awareness, the power of acceptance and gratitude, which in turn leads toward fulfillment, joy, profound inner peace and limitless prosperity, thus abundance and happiness.    

The law of polarity reflects the full spectrum of the rainbow colors, all the way from total darkness to total light. It signifies the sum of all colors found in the spectrum of light versus the complete absence of any color realized in total darkness.   

The law of attraction suggests whatever you choose to focus on in your life is that to which you are attracted or drawn. What you magnify in your life becomes the greatest, so learn to magnify the light rather than the darkness.

Does this appear to be too idealistic?

Human consciousness demonstrates the reality of negative and positive as polar opposites. Darkness is never present without light; light is never present without its various shades of darkness, its shadows. We come to know one through the presence of the other.

In terms of staying positive, this suggests that darkness in your life can trigger a search or quest for the light, which is a good thing. Recognizing and utilizing the law of polarity with respect to all of the different aspects of your life can help you to stay positive, even though at times, it may take a concerted effort on your part.

Recognize that you have the potential and the ability to explore all of the various realms of your life in a positive direction. Become proactive and go for it. You will be glad you did.     

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