Thinking about the future involves thinking about the past and present as
well. What do we really know about transition as a past or present phenomenon, in
contrast to what we could know about it in the future? What is its
signification to us in terms of our future healing, health, happiness and
wholeness? We do know that transition is a familiar phenomenon and always has
been. There are a multiplicity of transitions that we encounter every day, and
while we perceive them as happening, we do not necessarily comprehend them
Let us examine a few of these transitions in the light of a dimino
phenomenon that occurs, with the possibility of a reverse dimino phenomenon
occurring as well, at some point in time or space.
Reviewing these definitions with respect to the dimino phenomenon, a dimino
stands and remains standing in contrast to a domino that falls in terms of a
chain reaction. The dimino always stands alone or independently and stands the
test of time, as opposed to the domino which falls down when one domino falls, as
each one of the dominoes is dependent upon another. This is the dimino effect versus the well-known domino effect.
Let us look at the phenomenon of transition or change from a number of
different directions.
First, look at the phenomenon of the transition from life to death and then
consider the possibility of a transition in reverse, or from death to life? Is
there something that occurs that simply represents a reversal to the other
stage, or is there a cycle? We do not really consider the phenomenon in this kind of transition as being
cyclical from our western perspective, while in eastern thought, it could be
perceived that way. The phenomenon of the transition from life to death and the
transition from death back to life is regarded as a natural phenomenon in the
east, thus there is a reversal.
Consider for a moment, from our western perspective, the transition
phenomenon that happens in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
"He is risen."
This entails the mystery of His crucifixion and resurrection. It is accepted
by Christians everywhere, as being true. We do not see this as being
reversed at any time or in any place in the history of humankind. Once Christ has risen, He is permanently resurrected. He has risen one time
for all believers everywhere. His work has been fully completed for all time
and eternity. This resurrection and redemption cannot be reversed and it is
never considered in terms of a reversal, by Christian thinkers.
The re-birth phenomenon is also accepted by Christians everywhere and
interpreted as an experience that a person goes through once having been
awakened to the reality of the gift of salvation, so freely given through the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This phenomenon is not ever reversed
"Your sins are forgiven."
Once one's sins are forgiven, it is
eternal forgiveness, based upon God's love for humankind.
The re-birth phenomenon is accepted in eastern philosophical and religious
thought and is considered as feasible by them, because it is believed that a
human being can have a divine awakening through some kind of an
enlightenment experience. This would not be reversed at any point in time
either. It is perceived differently than in the west.
What about the phenomenon of change with respect to science?
We often refer to the scientific phenomenon of a
metamorphic change or transition. For example, a rock subjected to
heat, pressure or water can be changed with respect to its physical
constitution, perhaps into something that is compact and crystalline
in nature. We can observe and document a change in physical form, structure and
substance. We do perceive these kinds of changes as reversing either.
We frequently use the term metamorphosis, to depict the transition or
developmental change that occurs when a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, or
when a pollywog becomes a frog. These phenomena do not reverse any point in
time, or in any part of our world.
The expression metamorphosed was used by Shakespeare, to depict the change
that took place in a human being.
"You are so metamorphosed, I can hardly
think you my master."
This phenomenon of transition or change would not
have been reversed. Once a person has changed, this change is permanent.
Darwin' theory of evolution depicts the phenomenon of humankind evolving or
going through a transition with respect to various kinds of life, from plant
life to animal life and then progressing to human life.
Darwin did not propose a reversal in his
theory of evolution.
Then came de-constructionism. More recent thought tries to expand upon
Darwin's theory of
evolution by proposing that the opposite is true. If humankind has
evolved, is it possible that humankind can de-evolve also? Is there such a
thing as de-evolution? In this case, it would be proposed that there is the
possibility of a reversal of the initial phenomenon.
Christians do not accept the Darwinian theory and perceive the creation of
man in terms of God as the Creator of man, animal and plant life.
The phenomenon of emergence as we know and understand it, is relatively easy
to comprehend. We can perceive something emerging from what appears to be
nothing or something that already exists, coming into existence.
The possibility of reversing the emergence to de-emergence represents a
question that one may or may not be able to answer, at this point in time. Can
something emerge and then de-emerge?
Perhaps one can do that with laughter. Laughter can emerge from people in terms of
time and space, and then disappear or de-emerge. So can a smile on one's face.
The phenomenon of the transition from non-existence to existence remains a
mystery. The transition from existence to non-existence is still a profound
mystery, as well. While there are many theories based upon personal experiences
globally, no one has yet come up with a perfect theory with respect to these
kinds of transitions or potential reversals.
Are these transitions cyclical in nature too?
In the east, one might say yes. In the west, we would probably say no, but
then there is the middle road as well. Yes, no and maybe so.
In the east, the question of the transition from non-existence to existence, as
well as its opposite, can be considered in terms of a spiral phenomenon that
occurs. There is the possibility of the transition from a higher plane to a lower
plane or the reverse, in terms of the next cycle of life that occurs,
contingent upon one's actions in the previous life. Here it is assumed that good actions or behavior in one's life will result
in a higher plane of existence in the next life, while not-good actions will
lead to form of punishment, where one takes on a lower plane of existence in
the next life. One may have to go back to an earlier form of animal of plant
Christianity perceives good and evil in terms of the possibility of
forgiveness for sin in the light of heaven or the darkness of hell. For Roman
Catholic believers, there is the possibility of purgatory.
In the east, we see the non-existence to existence phenomenon happening. It
is an upward spiral, or a downward spiral depending upon how one's life is
lived. A person might return to his or her next life as an animal or a plant,
because of something that he or she has done with respect to that animal or
plant in this life. Fore example, if someone steps on a spider in this life,
then one might become a spider to be stepped upon in the next life. In the next cycle, the person's status could be reduced. If the action has been particularly good, that status might be improved. For
example if one is kind to the poor in this life, he or she might be elevated to
royalty in the next life.
The phenomenon that occurs in the transition from the nectar of a flower, to
the substance that we know as honey, is an acceptable scientific phenomenon to us. We can observe the transition of the nectar of a flower as it is collected by
bees, eventually becoming a substance we know as honey. We do not perceive this
as being reversed. What occurs is a change or transition in its essence. The element of its
being undergoes a phenomenon through which its substance becomes increasingly
Consider the possibility of the healing power of the nectar in a flower,
versus the healing power of the substance we know as honey. The phenomenon of just this simple kind of transition when considered as a whole,
actually could lead us into a whole new realm of discovery and awareness, with
respect to healing, health and wholeness. What we do not know at this point in time, is the ideal stage in the actual
phenomenon of transition or change, at which there the optimal benefits can
occur. We also do not know the actual stage where the most harm can occur
The changing of the seasons also represents another transition or change,
that we do not ever question, but we never consider the seasons with respect to
a reversal either.
In summary, one might suggest that there are many phenomena happening that
do undergo reversal, while there are also those that do not undergo reversal.
Perhaps these could be placed upon some kind of a continuum as well.
Comparing these phenomena and others, may awaken us to the reality that
transition stages or phases are extremely important in terms of healing, health
and wholeness in the lives of human beings. We can also see how much we really
do not know about transition and change in terms of actual scientific
What we need to know is whether or not, the dimino phenomenon of transition
is a part of a process that can bring something from non-existence into
existence and then change it again or reverse it back to a stage where it is of
benefit to humankind.
Is there a reverse dimino phenomenon?
We may not ever have more than a partial answer to this question.
Again, this appears to be heading into the issue of the transition from
essence to substance or from substance to essence. That takes us back to the
phenomenon of non-existence to existence and existence to non-existence. The
one thing that we do know is that change is a familiar phenomenon with respect
to the past and the present.
With respect to thinking about the future, this one thing is certain.
Transitions will continue and will remain a familiar phenomenon to humankind.