Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's Just a Part of Life: The Music of Teenagers Today

The music of teenagers today often leaves others asking the question, "What is wrong with teenager's music today?"

Music is the heart and rhythm of life expressed in various ways. While much can be said about it, that does not mean there is anything wrong with it. It is just a part of life for children, teenagers and adults, but it is a very important aspect of our lives.

Music may come to us one note at a time, as in nature's sounds. At other times, it is more like a symphony. Each generation and era speaks uniquely through its own music. Thus, there may be a generational gap in the understanding and appreciation of music from various sources or of various kinds, particularly that of teenagers.

Certainly, teenager's music can be too loud and seem almost overwhelming at times. No one will deny that reality. Consider the alternative. What if there was no music? Our entire world would experience a void of silence, although it is not as if life itself would cease, but its face would be altered. Living life does not stop, even when there are less than ideal circumstances, like overwhelming or loud music that we object to listening to, or hearing.

The music of life never ceases whether we can hear it or not. It is not going to stop just because we don't appreciate some of it. Life as we know it is more complete with music in its wide range of variations and forms, even those found in teenager's music. Their unique creativity is the key to their era. There is also life as a greater whole. We may have major or minor glimpses of it from time to time, through the gift of music that has given to us personally, or graciously endowed on us through others.

Reflections on life are not just about our own lives and music, as every day, we encounter people who have other lives, in some sense of the word. This is true with respect to their music, as well. Everyone's lives are expressed more fully because music is part of them, their traditions and cultures. Life is seldom lived in total isolation; it is always in community with others in various stages of their lives, including the different stages of the lives of teenagers. This means some degree of contact with their music is inevitable in one way or another.

Music enhances our lives, whether it is the music of children, teenagers or adults. An instinctive love of music cannot be denied but we may or may not have an appropriate appreciation of music, depending upon how our forefathers have regarded music over the different eras, particularly the music of teenagers. 

Is it too loud at times? Does it seem to be overwhelming? Do you feel like you need ear plugs or just want to turn it off?

Were you a teenager once? Of course you were. What about your own music then, how was it received? 
There is a whole new generation of children destined to become teenagers in the future. What will their music say? How will it speak to you and others?

What is wrong with the music of teenagers today? Probably nothing, but maybe you need to turn the volume down.

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