Thursday, June 19, 2014

Reasons to Love Valentine's Day: Valentine's Day and the Spirit of Love

Perhaps the greatest reason to love Valentine's Day is the reality of the spirit of romantic love that surfaces once a year in February, but it is not just romantic love. One cannot help but appreciate the freshness, openness and freedom of expression with respect to the spirit of love expressed in terms of romance.

Love’s horizon includes other kinds of love like paternal, maternal and fraternal love. Love that is not always evident in everyday life, can be and is often expressed in different ways by children, teenagers and adults on Valentine's Day. Having a special day for that allows and encourages it.

Valentine's Day serves as an annual reminder for us to express our love to one another. We should not have to be reminded, but holding a special day to openly express love for grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, children and friends, as well as lovers and others, wakes everyone up in a way that is exciting, fun and pleasing.

Who cannot love that?

Everyone, (well almost everyone), loves Valentine's Day because of the adorable figure known as Cupid, with his powerful bow and penetrating arrows. He is quite a lovable character, who alerts everyone to the possibility of romance by targeting the human heart. At times, Cupid appears as an ageless, impish or mischievous, male figure, but he is also a unique, young man or even a rambunctious child. His unexpected antics delight everyone. While he can be a heart breaker able to penetrate even the hardest of hearts, he is usually depicted in a positive light as a male figure, who awakens a potential lover to the possibility of romantic love.

Everyone loves surprises and of course, Valentine's Day is full of all kinds of delightful surprises. Roses or other kinds of flowers, chocolates and different kinds of candy, delicious food, amazing desserts and drinks, tend to make Valentine's Day special to young and old alike.

Who does not love the red and white decorations displayed everywhere on Valentine's Day? Huge, red hearts suddenly seem to pop up, along with dozens of red and white streamers, as well as colorful balloons that brighten kindergarten, school and high school classrooms. Even colleges and universities are not exempt from the celebration. No place is exempt from a Valentine's Day celebration of some kind, including hospitals and nursing homes.

Valentine's Day entertainment, parties and dances are fun for everyone, children, teens and adults, even seniors. 

What about the various kinds of romantic music revealed throughout the ages? Valentine's Day poetry and music continues to flourish around the globe.

Of course, there is the traditional practice of sending romantic valentines, simple notes or letters that state you love someone special. Children's Valentine's Day themes like puppy dogs and kittens, often portrayed in the heart of their valentines, encourage puppy love to run rampant on Valentine's Day.

Then there is the unforgettable, enticing and mysterious valentine sent by an unknown lover. Those valentines can be fun to give and to receive. On Valentine's Day, even previously hidden, romantic thoughts can surface awakening human passion to new heights of intensity.

Valentine's Day offers an opportunity for unrecognized feelings on intimate or less intimate levels, in terms of interpersonal relationships. The positive notes are triggers that prove to be heart-warming and are often enduring.

Love because of its nature and variety of expression, is loved by everyone and thus Valentine's Day is loved around the world.

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