Thursday, June 19, 2014

Motivation: On Motivational Love

Motivational love, what is that? Have you ever really stopped to think about motivational love, what it means or could mean in your life? You might be surprised. Did you know that love has the inherent potential to inspire and to motivate people including you?

Of course, there are many different kinds of love. Seldom does one stop to think about love as being something that is positive, constructive and potentially inspirational. It becomes motivational, at the same time.

Motivational love is a special kind of love. In life's more tender moments, love can inspire and motivate a person in unique, amazing and wonderful ways. This often happens at times when motivation is the last thing that one expects to experience in relation to love. For instance, consider those blessed with various kinds of artistic gifts. These are extremely important as our world is a more beautiful place and aesthetically, more pleasing because of them. 

Artisans of all kinds, find the source of their inspiration and motivation in terms of someone they truly love, or someone who loves them. At times, motivation comes about because of something that people discover and instantly love, like fantastic places, special pets or simply the beauty of nature. Motivation often leads into new works by musicians, sculptors, artists, photographers, writers and poets, including love poets.

Sometimes inspiration comes through the lack of, or absence of love. There may be a deep longing for love, leading to a new creation of some kind or at times, towards the creation of an exciting masterpiece. 

For a moment, focus on some of the different aspects of love in your life, including the absence thereof.
Ask yourself, how many of the people or things that you love, truly inspire you. Do they motivate you also? Does having them as a part of your life trigger emotions of various kinds in you? Perhaps you really need some new inspiration and motivation. 

Maybe falling in love all over again, is the answer for you.

It is possible that your real need is for natural or even spiritual inspiration and motivation. It is there somewhere. It may be under the guise of love, awaiting discovery. Look for it and you will be amazed at what you find. Become inspired and motivated all over again.

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