Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Futuristic Business Thinking: Mental Wellness

Are you a futuristic business thinker who understands the concept of mental wellness? Perhaps you wonder how futuristic business thinking contributes to your state of mental wellness and vice versa. True futuristic business thinkers understand the importance of mental wellness, while those who are not true futuristic business thinkers may not.

Negatively oriented, pseudo-thinkers or non-futuristic thinkers may not be able to comprehend the reality of mental wellness as an important part of business thinking for the future. They may perceive future business thinking only in terms of the past or present, often from a gloom and doom perspective and relegate futuristic thinkers to the realm of the mentally ill, although they are actually in the realm of mental wellness.

What is mental wellness?

Contrast mental illness with a state of mental wellness. Mental illness signifies the instability of one’s mental status, while mental wellness suggests the stability of one’s mental health. Someone who is mentally well is emotionally and psychologically stable.

Mental wellness is “a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.”

In terms of futuristic business thinking, mental wellness and stability are of the utmost importance with respect to progress into the future.

From a medical perspective, mental wellness is “a branch of medicine that deals with the achievement and maintenance of psychological well-being.”

Contemporary, progressive thought, as well as futuristic thinking in business, always has an element of risk, or the need for risk taking that others might perceive in terms of mental instability. Ongoing progress in business into the future demands risk and risk taking.

While there appears to be a relative degree of safety and security in non-futuristic business thinking, in reality that might be true if there was such a thing as permanency, but nothing is permanent, so that business safety net is gone. This reality appears frightening for those confronted with unexpected non-permanency in business. Everything in business is subject to change and a degree of instability.

Planning in a futuristic business direction is one way to deal with inevitable and constant change in a mentally healthy way, as in a state of mental wellness. Forward, futuristic thinking in business exceeds thought that is restricted to the present or the past.

Business thought, practices and principles continually change, exactly as they should. Either business thinkers are futuristic in terms of their thought processes, or they are doomed to collide with inevitable change that will take place regardless of what or how they think. The crashing of business thought processes often results in instability that depicts mental illness. 

Throughout the centuries, true thinkers have always been ahead of their times. Part of the struggle that futuristic business thinkers have to contend with is the reality that new and progressive, futuristic business thought is often misunderstood.

Futuristic business thinkers are not mentally unstable or mentally ill. In fact, mentally they are more stable than those non-futuristic thinkers who criticize them or their business practices. Futuristic business thinkers often face confrontation, even though they are in a state of mental wellness. How does one explain this? Remember that no one can comprehend what a visionary can see, until it becomes a reality.

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