Thursday, August 28, 2014

Success is Hard Work Plus Forward Thinking: A Eye To the Future

The statement “success is hard work plus forward thinking” sounds like an equation. “Success = hard work + forward thinking.”

In many ways, this is true because success seldom just appears, if one does not work hard to achieve it. Working hard with an eye to the future is important in terms of achieving any measure of success.

Are you successful? That may depend upon how you interpret the word success.

What is success?  

Success is “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors” as well as the “the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like”, according to

Success is a rather abstract concept, something measurable in accordance with a sense of achievement, an understanding of worth or a distinct set of values. One’s perception plays a large role in evaluating success or failure.

Success and rewards go hand in hand. That is only common sense, as there is no reason to reward failure.

It does not really matter what one attempts to do, but putting forth proactive, positive and constructive effort consistently, usually brings about some degree of success. Most of what one attempts to do in life is success oriented, whether one realizes it or not. A person usually works at achieving success, even though failure is a possibility. How hard one works helps to determine the degree of success achieved. Not working leads to failure.

Forward thinking demonstrates positive leadership, as that kind of a thought process leads others forward into the future. Not everyone is a natural born leader, nor has to be, as there must be followers for there to be leaders. Many people do not have foresight into the future. Some have only limited foresight. They may be locked into the past or the present and they seldom, if ever succeed, because they cannot get past that time frame in their thought processes.

There always seems to be an element of mystery in success, especially when it comes to seeing who succeeds in life or life’s tasks and who fails. Those who are successful are consistently successful and those who fail tend to leave a trail of failures behind them. With failure, there can be discouragement and thus, they have no incentive to try to succeed.

Success is its own best reward, in other words knowing, realizing or recognizing the reality of one’s success. Success also offers further incentive, encouraging one to continue onward and succeed again.      

Where does one start in order to become successful?

Depending upon a person’s interests it is always wise to start at the beginning. In other words, success is invariably rooted and grounded in something, for example, a set or moral codes, ethical values, as well as an understanding of correctness in terms of what is right or legal.

Steps leading towards one’s success, achieved one at a time, are much like building blocks set upon a solid foundation.

Knowledge is often the key to success. Coupled with hard work, for example, the accumulation of more knowledge reveals imminent success on the horizon. Seeing the possibility of success in the future is a trigger that leads one to work even harder.

Is success hard work? Definitely, as without working towards success, there is no goal orientation. Goal orientation entails looking towards the future and then actualizing it.

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