Friday, August 22, 2014

Small Changes That Can Transform Your Life: Make Active Changes and Control Your Future

Changes come and changes go, exactly as they should. Big changes can make a huge difference, but even small changes can help to transform your life for the better. You can bring about some of those powerful, small changes in your life.

Change, according to, is “to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.”

How can you bring about small changes in your life?

Four things that you can begin to do immediately may appear to be only small, insignificant changes, but minor transitions invariably lead to major transitions. In time, they will change your life for the better, like creating a chain reaction for good. Note that there is no cost factor associated with any of these changes.

Small changes that can transform your life include the following:

Be motivated

Being motivated is a choice that you make. Consider some of the things that you know motivate you to move forward in your life or help you to improve your life, as well as the lives of your family and friends. Now begin to search for more hidden motivators that you may not have been aware of or acknowledged. They will give you added incentive for change. You will soon learn that the list of motivators is endless.

Be proactive

Being or becoming proactive is a choice that you make. Taking a stand rather than doing nothing, involves decision-making. It is like taking baby steps; sometimes these steps are taken with fear and trepidation. It requires courage and wisdom to make good decisions, but even small proactive changes help to determine your transition in the right direction as you head into your future. 

Be positive

Being or becoming positive is another choice in your life. Understanding that there is a choice you can make is important, as you may not always realize that there is another possibility, even in the most negative scenario. You do not have to respond to the negative with negativity. How you react to negativity can be vital in terms of determining your future. You have free will. Use it wisely and respond in a way that brings change in a positive direction. In other words, bring light rather than darkness into the world.   

Be constructive

Being constructive is a choice you make, as well. In all matters, you can choose to be constructive, to be destructive or not to make a decision in either direction. You can also decide to resist being constructive. The choice of being constructive leads to a positive change, building toward your future or that of others. The choice of being destructive leads to damage, demolition or change in a negative direction. Making no decision leaves things as they are, but may allow them to deteriorate further while you do nothing. Taking a stand that does not allow change hinders transition.      

Note that changes, both large and small, will take place over time regardless of your decisions. You can help to transform your future and that of others, by making an active choice to do so. Even small changes effect transition and change your life, hopefully for the better.

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