Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How Social Media Could Help You Land a Job: Professionalism on Your Profile is Important

Are you looking for a job? Have you ever considered using social media to find employment?

In an era when jobs are scarce and it seems almost impossible to find a job, using social media as a job search tool could help you to find appropriate employment.

There are a number of reasons for this.

First, on your social media web page, you have a profile akin to a cover letter on a resume. Secondly, once your social media web page has been set up properly, you establish a degree of credibility, particularly if you use your social media web page regularly and wisely. Thirdly, you have ongoing contact with others, as you gradually start to form a network of peers who have similar interests and concerns. This may include your family and friends, who normally have your best interests at heart and are willing to assist you to find employment.

Social media sites have vast, global outreach that is growing in leaps and bounds.

 In other words, as a job seeker your potential employment horizon can continue to expand through the appropriate use of social media. There may be a multiplicity of possible employment options, if you are ingenious enough to recognize them or to follow potential leads towards them.

When you use your social media web page for job searching, caution is always important, as you may be disclosing too much personal information. To a potential employer, it may appear to be a non-professional way to approach a job search depending upon your social media profile.

How other contacts interact with you on your social media web page with their notations is important. How you express yourself and communicate with them is a direct reflection upon you, personally. For example, is your social media web page always in good taste? Are others using it for a platform to air their anger, frustration and grievances or perhaps using inappropriate language, photos or videos that may in turn, reflect badly on you? If this is the case, an occasional reprimand may be in order.        

Free speech is still free speech.

While social media pages may be unregulated for the most part, social mores still apply globally. For example, ongoing, consistent abuse or bullying apparent on your social media web page may suggest that you allow this to happen. In turn, this may reflect adversely upon your job search and suggest that you also might allow this on a job, if you were hired.     

Social media web pages offer a wonderful opportunity for anyone serious about finding employment, particularly online. Freelance writers, other writers and poets, as well as other artisans have a wonderful opportunity for expression when it comes to displaying and advertising their personal portfolios, at a minimum of cost.

The merit of social media platforms should not be under-estimated in terms of being an effective tool for job searching, as they can provide one avenue to make potential employment contacts very quickly.

Professionalism on social media web sites is always of the utmost importance.

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