Monday, June 30, 2014

Differences Between Traditional and New Priorities in Nutrition: Priorities in Nutrition, Old and New

Times change and people do too, along with their nutritional needs and preferences, as well as their understanding between traditional and new priorities in nutrition.

In the early western world, traditional nutritional priorities in nutrition focused on what was available in brand new, developing countries and available as produce gleaned from the land or obtainable from the rivers, lakes or ocean. Survival often meant learning how to meet basic nutritional needs. Gradually, the process grew to encompass larger numbers of people, plus their growing needs and desires, as well as increasing refinement of produce.

Today, new priorities in nutrition focus more on nutritional enhancement in an attempt to meet obvious deficiencies. Science and technology in the health field are revealing the lack of basic, nutritional needs related to aging, illness and disease processes in conjunction with modern day growth, harvesting and processing methodology linked to the manufacturing, marketing of produce and sales, in other words, e-commerce.

Nutrition, according to is “the study of food and nourishment, examining the nutritional content of different foods, the amount of nutrients required for healthy growth and function and how this varies for different people”.

The transition from basic survival to the focus on the nutritional content of food, in relation to the amount needed for health, is a major shift in emphasis over the years. At the same time, around the globe there are still third world countries struggling for food production related to basic survival. The health aspect of nutrition plays a secondary role, but it is still important.

With global economic decline, increasing unemployment, as well as improved Internet access globally, concern about nutrition is growing, particularly where it pertains to basic survival and the awareness of the role of nutrition with respect to health. Increasing refinement often results in the reduction of basic nutritional products to supplements, which become replacements for the original products.   

Global nutritional guidelines mean other concerns like how those guidelines can be met in poverty stricken, disease ravaged and disaster-related problematic regions of the world. At best, nutrition guidelines are an ideal. With the increase of knowledge and the obvious need for health concerns, compassion and other humanitarian issues arise.

Traditionally, because of the struggle for base survival and the ongoing focus on the development of nutritional products in many areas, there has been limited awareness and scope of humanitarian nutrition resolution. At the same time, science and technology are both contributing to major developments in the field of nutrition in relation to health.

Today, the scope of priorities for nutritional practices has expanded far beyond the traditional approach to nutrition, particularly when it concerns Internet communication and education about nutrition. Awareness exceeds the scope of previous traditional understanding and practices with respect to nutrition in almost every country of the world, as nutritionists and others compare scientific development and technology in the realm of nutrition on a global platform.

Another development with unlimited scope focuses on what was traditionally nutritionally beneficial in the past. It has global outreach potential. In other words, there is a sharing of nutritional priorities between countries of the world. Old practices, in different countries are examined and scientifically revealing nutritional benefits of certain products. There is a new global market for these products. A healthy balance of the old and new is important all around the world for the rich and poor.

Nowadays, concerns related to chemical alteration of potential food crops is of growing concern to people everywhere as it becomes suspect in terms of human health.

In many ways, the realization of the differences and similarities between traditional and new priorities in nutrition reveal not only the merits in both, but also the potential concerns that may prove to be resolvable in time. Ideally, ongoing research will lead to improved nutrition and health.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Life's Domino Effects, Each Existence Contributing: The Domino Effect Versus the Dimino Effect

In life, each existence contributes in some way and life often demonstrates a domino effect.  

What is a domino effect? The domino effect is a relatively new phenomenon. suggests that the domino effect is “the cumulative effect that results when one event precipitates a series of like events” and is the “domino reaction”,  and that it was coined during 1965-1970. 

Everyone loves a good game of dominoes. It appears that it does not matter who wins the game, as it is just a game. It is not the game of dominoes under discussion here, although the same basic principles apply to life itself. For example, in terms of business, there can be severe repercussions when acts or events are interconnected, like dominoes in a row or forming a circle.

Consider the typical picture of each one standing slightly apart forming a single row. One falls down and all of the others follow suit shortly thereafter. One by one, they all tumble to the ground. Each domino contributes to the fall of the entire row. This is the domino effect and it is evident in business, too.

Human beings tend to act like dominoes, at times, as they play the game of follow the leader in business. One human being falls and all of the others fall with him or her. Many times, this has to do with human norms, based largely upon the majority. What one can do, everyone else can do too, or can they? That is actually a supposition that is predominant in a domino mentality or a domino way of thinking.

There is another effect and norm based upon morality, but it takes a single person, family, community or country standing alone, to initiate or enforce that norm. This depicts another game in life which people can and do play, although they seldom acknowledge it in terms of a designated name.

In contrast to the concept referred to previously as the domino effect, consider a new concept, the dimino effect. The difference is this. The domino falls down, with all of its dominoes following suit, while the dimino stands alone.

Although no one has named this phenomenon previously, throughout the course of human history there are many who have taken such a stand and stood the test of time. There are thousands of individuals, families, communities or countries who have stood alone, often because of a unique moral stand. Frequently, this is a stand is for truth of some kind.

Yes, there is a domino effect where some kind of a cumulative effect results, when an event of some kind causes the initiation of other events of a similar nature.

At the same time, there is also a dimino effect, which occurs when some kind of an event of a non-cumulative nature, results in a determined, moral stand taken by one unique individual, family, community or country.

Humankind needs to be cautious about its stand in terms of the domino effect or the domino effect. Should people follow the norms of the majority, or the norms of morality? 

It appears that each person who exists will contribute to one or the other, the domino effect or the dimino effect. Such is the reality of existence.

Why Do Writers Write: Dimino, Self-Expression and Communication

Inherent within the human heart and soul is the desire and the ability for self-expression, as well as the need to communicate that self-expression to others. That is why writers write. If that were not so, there would never have been any form of writing or communication of it by humankind.
This article will discuss how human self-expression and the communication of it with respect to other human beings first originated and then, developed further. It is communicated to others in a way that is demonstrable using a model referred to as the pebble effect.

Almost everyone loves to skim a pebble across the water. Now consider this as a form of self-expression or writing on the water. Then, take a pebble and toss it into a pool of water and watch the formation of a series of concentric rings, which radiate from the center.

Now consider this in terms of how writing began to be manifest to others, by individuals as a form of communication.

The desire to express ourselves, or self-expression, begins in the heart and soul, probably because God who is dwelling within us through his Holy Spirit, cannot be contained. This desire has to find some kind of self-expression leading to its outward expression.

Employing a model that demonstrates the pebble effect, self-expression begins with the individual. The initial or first point of impact happens when the pebble hits the water. Communication begins in the same way, as it spreads outward to like the concentric ripples that form on the water.

The first communication of self-expression would be with respect to another individual or a second person. The horizon of communication could be perceived as expanding to a couple, family, community, country, world, universe or even multiple universes. (It could also be applicable with respect to animals.)

The pebble effect model is a helpful tool with respect to comprehending human society and the interaction of people in respect to their communication. It is also useful in terms of perceiving what occurs with respect to the emergence of writing.

Look at the larger picture with respect to self-expression and its communication to others in terms of actual writing.

We are all familiar with the words wholistic or holistic. They do not require further definition. Taking each one of those words and expanding them further, or coining the words wholological and holological from them, one begins to see the picture as a greater whole.

Wholological would signify the science of the totality of the whole. Holological would signify the science of the sacred or holy part of the whole. Wholological would focus on the non-spiritual aspect of the whole and holological would designate the spiritual aspect of the whole.

Taking this further, consider the reality that we are seeking to be complete or whole in terms of healing, health, wholeness and happiness. This is an inherent need for human beings and a desire that always seeks to be fulfilled.

It is often said that "No man is an island."

How true this is. We are brought into this world in terms of community and seek to maintain that interaction and communication regardless of our circumstances or status in life. Even someone abandoned on an island, seeks to communicate in terms of writing in one form or another. No one  wants total isolation from all of the rest of the people in the world, even though we do value our personal privacy to some extent. Thus, we have an inherent need and a desire to communicate with others. Our self-expression would be meaningless in time, without someone else to share it with. The ultimate gratification in writing comes in sharing it with others.

From a wholological perspective, or taking a scientific approach to the whole of the emergence of writing from a non-spiritual direction, consider this possibility, using a newborn infant as an example. The infant is born with needs and desires for self-expression and communication. Initially, he or she learns how to express those needs and desires to his or her mother. How quickly he or she finds that some form of self-expression, directed toward the mother is either a rewarding, or a non-rewarding experience. It may also be a neutral experience in terms of not being either one or the other. As the infant becomes aware of having been or not having been rewarded, there is an increase in his or her personal knowledge and awareness, with respect to the positive, negative or neutral response of early attempts to communicate basic needs and desires. 

A child who is a bit older, quickly learns that playing with his or her food is one of many ways to communicate with a parent. Watch the patterns that a child makes, simply by playing with his or her food on a highchair tray. This could be a primitive, or early stage of writing or an attempt to write. Note that while there is the potential of a positive or negative re-enforcement from the parent, which either encourages or discourages the initial early attempts at writing, the child is aware of both the positive and the negative reaction, or lack of response, to what he or she is doing or has done, as well as some degree of awareness with respect to the reality that he or she is communicating in some manner with someone else.

Communication brings about the possibility of a response of pleasure or displeasure, or simply one of a non-response. Quietly watch a child moving food about on a tray. He or she may appear to be creating all kinds of different designs, which he or she seems to be pleased with. In some sense, these could be regarded as words. We are not always aware that this might be a primitive or early form of writing, as the child's way of communicating his or her self-expression.

Watch a child who is angry, frustrated or upset, as he or she strikes out at the cereal, baby food or whatever he or she is eating with displeasure, causing it to splash all over the tray or drop on the floor. What the child is communicating has a negative context in terms of what he or she has written this way. This give an opposite message, or one might suggest it has been written in a different context. A child, if taught and encouraged to do so will attempt to do some form of writing, but in terms of playing with sand, paint or finger painting. An older child learns to write in terms of actual words with crayons, pencils, paintbrushes and more acceptable writing tools.

The holological or scientific look at the sacred or holy aspect of self-expression and the communication thereof to others comes at a later date, perhaps to an older child or one who is in the early adult stage of development. Considering the whole picture, the self-expression and communication needs and desires are gradually expanded and expressed in terms of actual writing.

We do not know at what exact point actual writing as we comprehend it, actually emerges. It is probably at an earlier stage of development than we realize.

It is like writing diminoes in some way, going from what appeared to be non-existent to something that appears to be existent. Obviously, there is a pre-existent need and desire for self-expression that suddenly takes on a form of an existent stage which can be proven. The existence of the communication of self-expression to others, surfaces in terms of writing.

A dimino effect or an emergence with respect to writing, allows something to come into being and because it is legitimate, it will stand the test of time. This is opposed to a domino effect where something is dependent on something else. It topples as soon as what it is dependent upon falls over, a phenomenon commonly known as the domino effect. Each domino leans on the previous one. If and when the first one falls over for whatever reason, the rest of them will all fall down as well.

The dimino effect reveals that writing stands as an emergence of the communication of self-expression directed toward others.

Whether you are skimming pebbles across the water, or simply dropping pebbles into the water, consider the pebble effect, at least with respect to self-expression and the need or desire to communicate it to others, in terms of writing on the water.

Why writers write has to do with the inherent need of the individual for self-expression and communication. Self-expression emerges initially and then leads to successful or unsuccessful attempts at communication.

That Passing of Time: The Dimino Mystery, the Dancing Dimino or the Dimino Dance

The phenomenon of the emergence from non-existence into existence represents a wonderful mystery when examined in the light of the passing of time. The phenomenon of the dimino mystery is like a dance in a particular time or place, where the dancer and the dance steps are unknown. Suddenly, the dancer is recognized because of a dance step or a dance that suddenly comes into play, at exactly the right moment.

Somehow, it appears that the dancer and the dance merge from nowhere, or maybe they come from some place that we don't recognize, or do not acknowledge as existing prior to that time or place. Behold the dancing dimino and the dimino dance. From then on, it seems that the dancer and the dance are both locked into our minds or perhaps into our history, for generations to come.

Over time, one wonders if what happened was real or not real. Then one must ask the question of whether the dancer and the dance of the past, or present, will stand the test of time? What one must also question is whether the dance was already there prior to its discovery in that particular time or place.

How did it get from non-existence to existence?

In the lock box of our minds, what do we conceal, the figments of imagination in some world that is not real, or is there a deeper depth of soul, we have not found yet? Something we have not touched upon, a thought that could confound?

What about war dances or dance wars? Are these new phenomena, no they are not. Over time, we are seeing a re-emergence of the art of uncivilized or barbarian dancing, versus civilized or non-barbarian dancing. Both of these are part of the history of humankind. Are these just different parts of one larger dance, hitherto unknown and unrecognized as such in time? One might argue that this is true from a wholological perspective where one examines the whole of the picture of the dimino dancer and the dimino dance. It also has a holological perspective that one might take into consideration, looking further into the realm of the sacred and the non-sacred with respect to dancers and dancing.

Human beings have an innate ability to dance and it would seem that they have always done so, sometimes in the heat of war, but also in times of peace. No one can deny that some people can dance better than others. People have always loved to watch other people dance. This is true of the present and will continue into the future. Look at this phenomenon in the light of the need of human beings to compete with one another throughout time. Dance competitions are not a new phenomenon for our era either.

Dancing as a form of release for pent up emotions is not really something that is any different now than it has been in the past. It is one way for human beings to use up excess energy. Dancing has been, is now and will continue to be a courting ritual in every part of the world. It has been an expression of love and the passing of time has not changed that in any way. Dancing can be simply a form of exercise for people anywhere. We often consider dancing to be an art form and enjoy its artistic expression immensely.

The bottom line is that dancing is a natural human response to music and to rhythm, and why not? After all, the human body is created in such a way, as to respond in a positive way to both music and rhythm. Sometimes the response to music and rhythm takes on a negative connotation with different kinds of bizarre dances emerging in different places or eras.

How are we to understand the dimino mystery of non-existence to existence, in terms of the dimino dancer and the dimino dance, with respect to the passage of time and history? Somehow, this is all a bit like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Who really knows which came first in time, the dancing dimino, or the dimino dance? Perhaps we don't need to understand the dimino mystery at all, but rather, as human beings, we are just called to enjoy this wonderful gift of dance that has been given to us.

Thinking About the Future: From Dimino to Reverse Dimino, Transition is a Familiar Phenomenon

Thinking about the future involves thinking about the past and present as well. What do we really know about transition as a past or present phenomenon, in contrast to what we could know about it in the future? What is its signification to us in terms of our future healing, health, happiness and wholeness? We do know that transition is a familiar phenomenon and always has been. There are a multiplicity of transitions that we encounter every day, and while we perceive them as happening, we do not necessarily comprehend them fully.

Let us examine a few of these transitions in the light of a dimino phenomenon that occurs, with the possibility of a reverse dimino phenomenon occurring as well, at some point in time or space.

Reviewing these definitions with respect to the dimino phenomenon, a dimino stands and remains standing in contrast to a domino that falls in terms of a chain reaction. The dimino always stands alone or independently and stands the test of time, as opposed to the domino which falls down when one domino falls, as each one of the dominoes is dependent upon another. This is the dimino effect versus the well-known domino effect.

Let us look at the phenomenon of transition or change from a number of different directions.

First, look at the phenomenon of the transition from life to death and then consider the possibility of a transition in reverse, or from death to life? Is there something that occurs that simply represents a reversal to the other stage, or is there a cycle? We do not really consider the phenomenon in this kind of transition as being cyclical from our western perspective, while in eastern thought, it could be perceived that way. The phenomenon of the transition from life to death and the transition from death back to life is regarded as a natural phenomenon in the east, thus there is a reversal.

Consider for a moment, from our western perspective, the transition phenomenon that happens in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

"He is risen."

This entails the mystery of His crucifixion and resurrection. It is accepted by Christians everywhere, as being true. We do not see this as being reversed at any time or in any place in the history of humankind. Once Christ has risen, He is permanently resurrected. He has risen one time for all believers everywhere. His work has been fully completed for all time and eternity. This resurrection and redemption cannot be reversed and it is never considered in terms of a reversal, by Christian thinkers.

The re-birth phenomenon is also accepted by Christians everywhere and interpreted as an experience that a person goes through once having been awakened to the reality of the gift of salvation, so freely given through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This phenomenon is not ever reversed either.

"Your sins are forgiven."

Once one's sins are forgiven, it is eternal forgiveness, based upon God's love for humankind.

The re-birth phenomenon is accepted in eastern philosophical and religious thought and is considered as feasible by them, because it is believed that a human being can have a divine awakening through some kind of an enlightenment experience. This would not be reversed at any point in time either. It is perceived differently than in the west.

What about the phenomenon of change with respect to science?

We often refer to the scientific phenomenon of a metamorphic change or transition. For example, a rock subjected to heat, pressure or water can be changed with respect to its physical constitution, perhaps into something that is compact and crystalline in nature. We can observe and document a change in physical form, structure and substance. We do perceive these kinds of changes as reversing either.

We frequently use the term metamorphosis, to depict the transition or developmental change that occurs when a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, or when a pollywog becomes a frog. These phenomena do not reverse any point in time, or in any part of our world.

The expression metamorphosed was used by Shakespeare, to depict the change that took place in a human being.

"You are so metamorphosed, I can hardly think you my master."

This phenomenon of transition or change would not have been reversed. Once a person has changed, this change is permanent.

Darwin' theory of evolution depicts the phenomenon of humankind evolving or going through a transition with respect to various kinds of life, from plant life to animal life and then progressing to human life. Darwin did not propose a reversal in his theory of evolution.

Then came de-constructionism. More recent thought tries to expand upon Darwin's theory of evolution by proposing that the opposite is true. If humankind has evolved, is it possible that humankind can de-evolve also? Is there such a thing as de-evolution? In this case, it would be proposed that there is the possibility of a reversal of the initial phenomenon.

Christians do not accept the Darwinian theory and perceive the creation of man in terms of God as the Creator of man, animal and plant life.

The phenomenon of emergence as we know and understand it, is relatively easy to comprehend. We can perceive something emerging from what appears to be nothing or something that already exists, coming into existence.

The possibility of reversing the emergence to de-emergence represents a question that one may or may not be able to answer, at this point in time. Can something emerge and then de-emerge?

Perhaps one can do that with laughter. Laughter can emerge from people in terms of time and space, and then disappear or de-emerge. So can a smile on one's face.

The phenomenon of the transition from non-existence to existence remains a mystery. The transition from existence to non-existence is still a profound mystery, as well. While there are many theories based upon personal experiences globally, no one has yet come up with a perfect theory with respect to these kinds of transitions or potential reversals.

Are these transitions cyclical in nature too?

In the east, one might say yes. In the west, we would probably say no, but then there is the middle road as well. Yes, no and maybe so.

In the east, the question of the transition from non-existence to existence, as well as its opposite, can be considered in terms of a spiral phenomenon that occurs. There is the possibility of the transition from a higher plane to a lower plane or the reverse, in terms of the next cycle of life that occurs, contingent upon one's actions in the previous life. Here it is assumed that good actions or behavior in one's life will result in a higher plane of existence in the next life, while not-good actions will lead to form of punishment, where one takes on a lower plane of existence in the next life. One may have to go back to an earlier form of animal of plant life.

Christianity perceives good and evil in terms of the possibility of forgiveness for sin in the light of heaven or the darkness of hell. For Roman Catholic believers, there is the possibility of purgatory.

In the east, we see the non-existence to existence phenomenon happening. It is an upward spiral, or a downward spiral depending upon how one's life is lived. A person might return to his or her next life as an animal or a plant, because of something that he or she has done with respect to that animal or plant in this life. Fore example, if someone steps on a spider in this life, then one might become a spider to be stepped upon in the next life. In the next cycle, the person's status could be reduced. If the action has been particularly good, that status might be improved. For example if one is kind to the poor in this life, he or she might be elevated to royalty in the next life.

The phenomenon that occurs in the transition from the nectar of a flower, to the substance that we know as honey, is an acceptable scientific phenomenon to us. We can observe the transition of the nectar of a flower as it is collected by bees, eventually becoming a substance we know as honey. We do not perceive this as being reversed. What occurs is a change or transition in its essence. The element of its being undergoes a phenomenon through which its substance becomes increasingly evident.

Consider the possibility of the healing power of the nectar in a flower, versus the healing power of the substance we know as honey. The phenomenon of just this simple kind of transition when considered as a whole, actually could lead us into a whole new realm of discovery and awareness, with respect to healing, health and wholeness. What we do not know at this point in time, is the ideal stage in the actual phenomenon of transition or change, at which there the optimal benefits can occur. We also do not know the actual stage where the most harm can occur either.

The changing of the seasons also represents another transition or change, that we do not ever question, but we never consider the seasons with respect to a reversal either.

In summary, one might suggest that there are many phenomena happening that do undergo reversal, while there are also those that do not undergo reversal. Perhaps these could be placed upon some kind of a continuum as well.

Comparing these phenomena and others, may awaken us to the reality that transition stages or phases are extremely important in terms of healing, health and wholeness in the lives of human beings. We can also see how much we really do not know about transition and change in terms of actual scientific discovery.

What we need to know is whether or not, the dimino phenomenon of transition is a part of a process that can bring something from non-existence into existence and then change it again or reverse it back to a stage where it is of benefit to humankind.

Is there a reverse dimino phenomenon?

We may not ever have more than a partial answer to this question.

Again, this appears to be heading into the issue of the transition from essence to substance or from substance to essence. That takes us back to the phenomenon of non-existence to existence and existence to non-existence. The one thing that we do know is that change is a familiar phenomenon with respect to the past and the present.

With respect to thinking about the future, this one thing is certain. Transitions will continue and will remain a familiar phenomenon to humankind.

Why I Write: Dimino Definition, Eureka, Erupt and Wow

The answer to the question of why I write may be summed up in three words, namely eureka, erupt and wow. Let us look at those three words for a moment.

"Eureka, I have found it."

Eureka is what I will refer to as one of those dimino definitions that has stood the test of time. Initially this word was coined by Archimedes with respect to expressing his phrase "I have found it." He had just found a method by which he could discern the purity of gold. Since that time, the word eureka has also been used to express triumph with respect to discovery.


A volcano erupts and spews forth lava from the bowels of the earth unannounced to the rest of the world on a regular basis, somewhere on the globe. The lava brings about new rock formations. We can see this actually happening like an unfolding drama in Hawaii, where volcanoes continue to erupt and the island land masses continue to grow in size.

What does this have to do with why I write? 

Words do the same thing as they erupt into some sort of formation, which we can behold.

What do the two words, eureka and erupt have in common?

The first word, eureka, has to do with an expression by a person; a word that expresses the entrance of something into existence from what appeared to be in the state of non-existence prior to that time. Something has been discovered or found.

The word eureka shows that an answer of some kind has been realized, or perhaps a solution has been reached by someone, somewhere or somehow. That answer may have been pre-existent, as prior to that time, it remained undiscovered, or at least it was not expressed by a human being until that particular moment in time.

The word erupt gives us some understanding in terms of a natural phenomenon that is actually happening or has happened.

From what appears to be in a previous state of non-existence, existence occurs or something diminoes. 

What diminoes stands the test of time. Both of those words contain some element of surprise with respect to the unexpected.

Compare those two words to another word that that we tend to use almost every day.


This is a typical reaction when all of a sudden, something astounding is perceived or realized. This is not a new word, even though we might think that it is. Wow was used as far back as 1513, with respect to strong feelings, generally pleasurable in nature. Going ahead a few years into 1921, wow became a word used to express success. It was inter-changed with the word hit as in coming into contact or forcibly striking something, like sudden awareness. About 1926, wow was employed as a word or expression that would excite others, in terms of admiration and general approval. About ten years after that, it came to be used to designate the rise and fall of pitch, dependent upon various speeds in a reproducing sound system.

Nowadays, wow is being introduced as a contemporary expression used by many people to depict something that appears to be wonderful or marvelous, as well as pleasing and surprising.

Words often undergo transition over periods of time, but what is occurring appears to be more important, as there is a continual dimino effect happening in our world, right before our eyes. It is still being defined in words and in nature, but yet in a way remains beyond definition.

Eureka, erupt and wow say something in a nutshell, so to speak. In other words, I have found it; it erupted and it is marvelous to behold. 

That is why I write. Such is the nature of new and on-going discovery in terms of writing about any aspect of life or creation! What appeared not to be actually is, and it is being realized by humankind, a bit at a time.

We all can write about it, as we dwell in that same world of discovery. Isn't it wonderful?

The world of dimino definitions with respect to new discovery, is just beginning to grow. Eureka, erupt and wow are just three of those kinds of words. 

Why I write is to express the joy of discovery.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Importance of Dance: Two Left Feet and the Importance of Dance

History will record the reality that we live in an era of dance, whether we openly acknowledge it or not. Even for those who dance with two left feet, the importance of dance in our world of today is significant for a number of different reasons.

We have the freedom to dance. The freedom of dance cannot go unacknowledged, as people from many parts of the globe still do not know the full meaning of true liberty. Dance can be and often is a joyful expression of that freedom.

The use of dance in reality shows, is a unique phenomenon for our era. Reality shows are being televised and shown globally. Dancing on an open stage, directly in front of a live audience, while being filmed by television cameras, is only one potential source of entertainment for others. When this dancing is unedited, people comprehend it on a different level. Even the worst would-be dancer who dances with two left feet, can relate to it.

Internationally, dancing is a significant and appropriate art form. Dance is loved by people all over the world because it is such a true expression of human art. It helps people to explore their own lives and worlds, as well as to set their bodies, minds and spirits free, while allowing the manifestation of their artistic potential.

Dancing competitions represent an international challenge. Almost everyone enjoys attempting to do something new. Competing in dance on various levels makes it more exciting. At the same time, all of us can develop an understanding and appreciation of dancing, simply because dancing challenges us mentally, physically and emotionally.

Dancing is an excellent form of physical exercise for anyone, young or old, as it requires the use of one's energy and physical participation by every part of the body. No one can dispute the health benefits of dance.

Dancing is being taken to new heights. We are currently witnessing the unique phenomenon of dancers performing, while undergoing an open critique of their dancing by heavy-handed critics. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen. As a direct result of the open criticism, the skills of the dancers are being developed on a higher level, while the dance form itself is being refined.

Dancing is fun. Dancing comes naturally to some people, but not necessarily to everyone. Some people have to work at it! It is amazing to watch someone who knows how to dance perfectly, but there are few people who can do that. You may or may not be one of those lucky people. The important thing is this. Whether or not you dance with two left feet, just have fun with it and enjoy the dance.

Does the world acknowledge the importance of dance, one might ask. The inevitable response is probably not.

Is the world in love with dance? One would have to say that is true, but what statement is the world as a whole making with respect to dance when it comes to ethnic or cultural dancing?. Is it good or is it not good, when it expresses the heart of a nation?

Historically, the pages in the volumes written on dance will show a continuum where dance emerges either on the level of barbarianism or civilization. It may be less than beautiful in its form, or take on some form of beauty in its ultimate manifestation.

The heart of the dance expresses the vibrancy of life with its wide variety of rhythms. We see the older dance forms in contrast to the newer dance forms, as well as the older dancers compared to the fresh vibrancy of youthful dancers.

Is the world dancing in a positive direction?

Perhaps we need to analyze every dance, but maybe not. The war dances will be part of or lead to war. Dance competitions will reveal a winner, at some point in time and those who dance for enjoyment or pleasure, will continue to dance according to their interpretation of the pleasure principle.

Dance on dancers, but be aware that you are being watched by the rest of the world..

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Time: Windows of Time

Reflecting on time, I see that I have turned the page on yesterday and opened a new page for today. Tomorrow, the next day and for many more days to come, I will do exactly the same thing. So will many others people, including you. 

I have to ask, "Did yesterday's page go away, when I turned that leaf over?'

"Probably not, it just appears as if it did." I tell myself silently. 

As I reflect further, I wonder if this new page that I see, is some kind of tabula rasa, as it appears to be a page that is blank right now. There is absolutely nothing that I can see written upon it, at least not yet. By the end of the day though, I suspect that there won't be a whole lot of room left on this page. It might even be filled.

Again, I have to ask this same question of time, "Was yesterday's page totally erased? Is that what happened when I turned the page over? Will today's page be erased, as well, when tomorrow comes? Or has yesterday's page merely been concealed, so that today's and tomorrow's might be revealed?"

Time does not answer me of course, but then I really did not expect that it would. 

What I see is the reality that the windows of time are always opening and closing, as well as revealing and concealing, so maybe the windows of time do offer us some kind of a tabula rasa after all? I really don't know.

When I look more closely, I realize that I can see new windows of time opening all of the time, even while the old ones are still closing. The shiny, brand new windows of time are in sharp contrast to the older, battered windows of time that have already been closed, or shattered. The broken shards of glass from those ones may still lie somewhere on the hard cold ground of time, or maybe the pieces of glass lie hidden in the new spring grass?

If there is a brand new, blank page in the next, new morning of my time, which I am certain that there will be, does that mean that the entire blueprint for my entire life disappears too, when today's page is closed?

"Probably not," I decide.

Thinking of blue prints in terms of time, I am reminded of an elderly gentleman who I encountered many years ago, while I was working as a student nurse on a psychiatric ward. He was a kindly, old gray-haired man who I found joyfully drawing huge blueprints on a large round table, in the middle of his locked room.
I immediately asked him what he was planning to build. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "I am designing a flying machine to get to heaven." He was very serious and totally out of touch with reality according to his psychiatrist.

By this time, all of his blueprints have probably faded away over time. He too, is more than likely wherever he was destined to be. Maybe he has a place where he is drawing new blueprints, for whatever, who knows?

I casually look around at the people that I see every day, young and old, and marvel at the reality that each one has a new page for the morrow, and probably some blueprint too, that I may never be aware of in time. Then I begin to wonder, where did all of their other pages of time go? Where do all of the blue prints of time go? No one really knows.

Maybe some of the older generation have already filled their books, and perhaps there are others, who have not completed theirs. Maybe some of their books were so full that they had to start new ones even in the present. Have all of the contents of all of their old books disappeared in time? 

"Are they lost forever," I wonder.

These are but a few reflections or thoughts to ponder, as together we gaze through the windows of time.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Christmas Traditions: How to find Santa in the Santa Claus Tradition

"How can I find Santa?" Has anyone ever asked you that question? Perhaps you are the one who wondered how to find Santa Claus. 

Maybe as a small child, you had a chance to sit on Santa's knee, at the mall. Did you get to whisper in his ear and tell him exactly what you wanted for Christmas? Maybe you even pulled his beard and heard him laugh and say, "Ho, ho, ho!"

If you were a young child right now, you would have no problem in finding Santa. In fact, you would know that he is going to arrive on your rooftop early on Christmas morning. His sleigh will be drawn by nine reindeer. Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer, will be his lead reindeer.

Santa will miraculously come down the chimney, place some wonderful presents for everyone under the Christmas tree and help himself to the cookies and milk that you, ( and your Mom and Dad), are going to leave on the table for him. You will probably learn to recognize the sound of reindeer hooves clattering upon the roof when he arrives and leaves, if you are not familiar with that sound already. Santa may even holler "Merry Christmas" to you and your family, as he departs.

Maybe your Mom and Dad helped you to write a letter, to send to the North Pole. Did you remember to tell him that you were nice and not naughty? You don't really want a lump of coal or a carrot this year. Presents are so much nicer!

If you were a little bit older at this time, you might be more skeptical about Santa, and whether or not you can find him. "Is Santa real?" you might ask. Perhaps you had a chance to see him in the Santa Claus parade, or at your school Christmas concert. Did he look real to you? Was he giving out candy canes and presents? Who and what determines whether Santa is real? More than likely, he was wearing a red suit with white cuffs, a red and white hat, a black belt and shiny, black boots.

If you are a parent, you probably realize that your older child has more of an inquisitive nature. Depending upon your response to him or her, he or she might be totally convinced of the reality of Santa. But at the same time, the reality of Santa question is time-dated. The child grows older and deals with his reality differently. It is only a matter of time before the Santa concept is no longer real to your older child.

A tween or preteen, being a bit older, is looking for Santa in an entirely different place. Suddenly, parents take on the Santa role. The tween still waits for Santa to come, but this time through some powerful parent-tween Christmas magic, he or she persuades the parent or parents to do the Santa thing, at just the right time.

The teen, being even older and much wiser, is a bit more realistic about how to find Santa. Money becomes more important, as the teen decides that he or she is old enough to be able to choose and purchase his or her own Christmas gifts. Maybe he or she can do it all alone, too. Perhaps the sentimental teen still waits for Mom and Dad to do everything that Santa would normally do for him or her.

Older teens, young adults or newly weds who are madly in love, look for Santa to come through one another. Some kind of a magical puppy-love element prevails in this kind of Santa expectation. There may still be parental expectations that must be met.

The young couple with their own little children is in the best position of all to find Santa. They bring the magic back to Christmas with the golden opportunity to introduce their children to Santa, by what they say or do. Now Christmas includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, who want to play Santa, too.

The cycle starts all over again, or does it?

Married couples, whose families are growing up and starting their own families, will look to each other for the Santa factor at Christmas. A lot, if not most of them, are involved in some way to make Christmas better for their own families and other families. They may be doing the Santa thing for their children and grand-children or even for other children. There still might be the odd Scrooge here and there. "Bah, humbug!"

Older people still find Santa, but this becomes a reverse-Santa role, as their children and grandchildren take on the Santa Claus role with them and act on their behalf. Many times, the ones playing Santa in the community are elderly, bearded men with white hair, out there jingling bells to collect money for the needy, or playing the role of Santa for hospitals, nursing homes, various civic or recreation centers, clubs, organizations etc.

So, one must conclude that how you can find Santa, depends a lot upon your age and role in life, at any particular moment in time.

Where can you find Santa early in December? You will probably find him at the North Pole, busy with his elves, making all kinds of toys for children. This is where he resides with Mrs. Santa and his elves, all year round.

Where can you find Santa just before Christmas? Try going to a school Christmas concert or to a Santa Claus parade. He may be in front of the mall, collecting money for the poor or inside the mall with little children on his knee. Their parents are looking for photographs, of course. That is proof enough that he exists, isn't it?

Where can you find Santa on Christmas Eve? He is probably still at the North Pole with Mrs. Santa and the elves. Maybe he is just starting to get his sleigh packed with toys. Perhaps he is getting his reindeer ready to fly all around the world. He just might be on the way to your home right now if he has already started delivering presents.

Where can you find Santa early Christmas morning? Try looking on the roof of your house first. Maybe he is in your living room eating cookies and drinking milk. (He might be stuck in the chimney.) Perhaps he is back up on the rooftop already. More than likely, he is high in the sky, moving on to the next house.

If you cannot find Santa there, you may have to find him somewhere else, depending upon how old you are. Just look into the eyes of those you talk to and you just might see his reflection somewhere. You might find him in among some of the decorations on the Christmas tree. Did you see that light sparkle?

Oh, the magic of Christmas,  it must be Santa love! Beware as it is contagious.

Maybe it is already your turn to be Santa for someone else? Wherever you find Santa, know that you will know that he is real, by the twinkle in his eyes and so will others.

Motivation: On Motivational Love

Motivational love, what is that? Have you ever really stopped to think about motivational love, what it means or could mean in your life? You might be surprised. Did you know that love has the inherent potential to inspire and to motivate people including you?

Of course, there are many different kinds of love. Seldom does one stop to think about love as being something that is positive, constructive and potentially inspirational. It becomes motivational, at the same time.

Motivational love is a special kind of love. In life's more tender moments, love can inspire and motivate a person in unique, amazing and wonderful ways. This often happens at times when motivation is the last thing that one expects to experience in relation to love. For instance, consider those blessed with various kinds of artistic gifts. These are extremely important as our world is a more beautiful place and aesthetically, more pleasing because of them. 

Artisans of all kinds, find the source of their inspiration and motivation in terms of someone they truly love, or someone who loves them. At times, motivation comes about because of something that people discover and instantly love, like fantastic places, special pets or simply the beauty of nature. Motivation often leads into new works by musicians, sculptors, artists, photographers, writers and poets, including love poets.

Sometimes inspiration comes through the lack of, or absence of love. There may be a deep longing for love, leading to a new creation of some kind or at times, towards the creation of an exciting masterpiece. 

For a moment, focus on some of the different aspects of love in your life, including the absence thereof.
Ask yourself, how many of the people or things that you love, truly inspire you. Do they motivate you also? Does having them as a part of your life trigger emotions of various kinds in you? Perhaps you really need some new inspiration and motivation. 

Maybe falling in love all over again, is the answer for you.

It is possible that your real need is for natural or even spiritual inspiration and motivation. It is there somewhere. It may be under the guise of love, awaiting discovery. Look for it and you will be amazed at what you find. Become inspired and motivated all over again.

My Funniest Garden Experience: The Blue-white Light

”I wonder if starting my vegetable garden this year was such a good idea.” I could not believe the damage that a thunderstorm, the previous night and my young, black Labrador puppy had done to it. “What a mess! Am I going to be able to rescue any of it?” I asked myself, as I made the decision to see what I could salvage.

Planting a vegetable garden in a new sub-division can be a lot of work, but it is usually worth the effort when it starts to produce results, so when we moved into our new home in southern Ontario, in 1987, it was first on my spring agenda.

Finding an appropriate place for a vegetable garden on a new lot can be a challenge too, especially when a front-end loader has to come in to level out the yard for seeding grass and a six-foot, wooden fence is required. Then a new homeowner has to deal with picking up, moving and disposing of all of the construction debris including wood, rocks, chunks of cement, etc.  

Small, garden wheelbarrows work great to carry whatever one finds to a low-lying back corner of a lot that still needs landfill once the front-end loader is finished. Then soil and composted topsoil can be dumped on top of it and voila, a potential, garden site!

Such was the beginning of my new garden plot. Whatever did not belong elsewhere immediately went to the back corner of the lot, which was still too low and quite wet. That included branches, logs, sticks, weeds and everything else that might serve as either landfill at the bottom, or compost, on top of it. It was heavy work!

Maximillian, or Max for short, was a bright, happy puppy, who stayed close by my side, as I worked to fill in the low area where my new vegetable garden was destined to be. Whatever I did, Max helped me with, or thought he did. As often as not, he would grab something right out of my hand and run away with it. He received a lot of extra attention by doing just that. Grab and run was the name of his game. We were both busy and having fun!

The lot was a fair size, so it took about a week for me to build up the area for my new vegetable garden. During that time it became his play area too, as he knew that was where I focused most of my attention. From the middle of the garden plot, he could see through the fence. He barked at the other neighborhood dogs, but could not get out of the yard to chase them.

After many hours of back breaking work, the base for the new garden was finally completed. The garden now had soil and composted topsoil. The seeds planted, the bedding-out plants transplanted and the rows well marked, my new garden was perfect! It looked as good as any garden I could see in the surrounding neighborhood and better than most.

That night, about ten o’clock, there was a major thunderstorm, in our area. Suddenly, the rain came pelting down. Max was outside. He was excited, running back and forth, jumping up and down, and barking at the thunder and lightning, or so I thought.In the distance, I could hear a chorus of other dogs barking, too.

I decided to bring him inside. He was wet and enjoyed all the attention associated with getting his fur dry. By nature, Max was quite mischievous and fun to play with, as he grabbed the towel and took off with it!

Over the next few hours, Max would not settle down. Instead, he kept running back and forth to the back door. He jumped up and down and barked repeatedly regardless of what I did, or said. I finally gave up and put him back outside, so he could run off his excess energy.

At midnight, the police suddenly appeared at my front door. Someone had complained about dogs barking, in our area.

I quickly apologized for Max and promised to bring him in. Now, he was thoroughly drenched and covered with mud. I cleaned him up again, but even then, he would not settle down. Uncertain as to why Max and the other dogs kept on barking, I put him on his leash, took him outside and sat down with him at my feet, in the back patio, a relatively sheltered area.

“Be quiet,” I insisted, every time he barked.  

The storm was getting worse. It was raining even heavier. The sky was constantly lit up with sheet lightning, as well as intermittent streaks of white lightning. There were repeated bouts of loud thunder.

Much to my surprise, I suddenly realized Max and the other dogs were not barking at the thunder and lightning. What they were reacting to was an intermittent, flashing, blue-white welding light emanating from the neighbor’s garage on the lot behind ours.

It was a long night for me, as the neighbor continued to work in his garage, until the wee hours of the morning. Even after the storm died down, Max and the other dogs still barked, whenever the blue-white light flashed.

Morning finally dawned quiet, clear and bright.

Everything in the back yard was drenched and there were huge puddles of water everywhere. Max had tracked a lot of mud into the patio area too, and so I had my work cut out for me that day.

My garden looked like a total disaster, as he had virtually destroyed everything in it. Most of my bedding-out plants had disappeared, but there were still a few, partially buried plants visible in the mud.

A few days later, after the top soil in the garden had a chance to dry, I re-planted my garden. I had rescued a few of the original tomato, cabbage and green pepper plants originally planted beside the new fence. I replanted them, along with some new bedding plants. A good portion of what I originally planted was lost forever, but some of the plants reappeared later, in the most unexpected places.

To make a long story short, this proved to be my worst and funniest vegetable garden experience ever, as everything I had planted as seeds, just grew wherever. The corn came up in among the beans. The peas and carrots grew in the midst of the potatoes. Squash, zucchini and pumpkin seeds sprouted all over the back yard. My seed-onions sprouted on the other side of the fence. Most of my sunflower seeds came to full bloom on the opposite side of the yard.

“Silly me,” I said. “Why did I not think to put a fence around my garden, or at least, tie you up?” I asked my puppy, who did not seem to think anything was wrong. He continued to be the same, happy little dog.

“Next year will be better,” I decided. It was. By then, Max was a year older, as well as a far wiser dog with his own fenced-off play area.   
