Monday, June 23, 2014

That Passing of Time: The Dimino Mystery, the Dancing Dimino or the Dimino Dance

The phenomenon of the emergence from non-existence into existence represents a wonderful mystery when examined in the light of the passing of time. The phenomenon of the dimino mystery is like a dance in a particular time or place, where the dancer and the dance steps are unknown. Suddenly, the dancer is recognized because of a dance step or a dance that suddenly comes into play, at exactly the right moment.

Somehow, it appears that the dancer and the dance merge from nowhere, or maybe they come from some place that we don't recognize, or do not acknowledge as existing prior to that time or place. Behold the dancing dimino and the dimino dance. From then on, it seems that the dancer and the dance are both locked into our minds or perhaps into our history, for generations to come.

Over time, one wonders if what happened was real or not real. Then one must ask the question of whether the dancer and the dance of the past, or present, will stand the test of time? What one must also question is whether the dance was already there prior to its discovery in that particular time or place.

How did it get from non-existence to existence?

In the lock box of our minds, what do we conceal, the figments of imagination in some world that is not real, or is there a deeper depth of soul, we have not found yet? Something we have not touched upon, a thought that could confound?

What about war dances or dance wars? Are these new phenomena, no they are not. Over time, we are seeing a re-emergence of the art of uncivilized or barbarian dancing, versus civilized or non-barbarian dancing. Both of these are part of the history of humankind. Are these just different parts of one larger dance, hitherto unknown and unrecognized as such in time? One might argue that this is true from a wholological perspective where one examines the whole of the picture of the dimino dancer and the dimino dance. It also has a holological perspective that one might take into consideration, looking further into the realm of the sacred and the non-sacred with respect to dancers and dancing.

Human beings have an innate ability to dance and it would seem that they have always done so, sometimes in the heat of war, but also in times of peace. No one can deny that some people can dance better than others. People have always loved to watch other people dance. This is true of the present and will continue into the future. Look at this phenomenon in the light of the need of human beings to compete with one another throughout time. Dance competitions are not a new phenomenon for our era either.

Dancing as a form of release for pent up emotions is not really something that is any different now than it has been in the past. It is one way for human beings to use up excess energy. Dancing has been, is now and will continue to be a courting ritual in every part of the world. It has been an expression of love and the passing of time has not changed that in any way. Dancing can be simply a form of exercise for people anywhere. We often consider dancing to be an art form and enjoy its artistic expression immensely.

The bottom line is that dancing is a natural human response to music and to rhythm, and why not? After all, the human body is created in such a way, as to respond in a positive way to both music and rhythm. Sometimes the response to music and rhythm takes on a negative connotation with different kinds of bizarre dances emerging in different places or eras.

How are we to understand the dimino mystery of non-existence to existence, in terms of the dimino dancer and the dimino dance, with respect to the passage of time and history? Somehow, this is all a bit like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Who really knows which came first in time, the dancing dimino, or the dimino dance? Perhaps we don't need to understand the dimino mystery at all, but rather, as human beings, we are just called to enjoy this wonderful gift of dance that has been given to us.

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