Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Importance of Dance: Two Left Feet and the Importance of Dance

History will record the reality that we live in an era of dance, whether we openly acknowledge it or not. Even for those who dance with two left feet, the importance of dance in our world of today is significant for a number of different reasons.

We have the freedom to dance. The freedom of dance cannot go unacknowledged, as people from many parts of the globe still do not know the full meaning of true liberty. Dance can be and often is a joyful expression of that freedom.

The use of dance in reality shows, is a unique phenomenon for our era. Reality shows are being televised and shown globally. Dancing on an open stage, directly in front of a live audience, while being filmed by television cameras, is only one potential source of entertainment for others. When this dancing is unedited, people comprehend it on a different level. Even the worst would-be dancer who dances with two left feet, can relate to it.

Internationally, dancing is a significant and appropriate art form. Dance is loved by people all over the world because it is such a true expression of human art. It helps people to explore their own lives and worlds, as well as to set their bodies, minds and spirits free, while allowing the manifestation of their artistic potential.

Dancing competitions represent an international challenge. Almost everyone enjoys attempting to do something new. Competing in dance on various levels makes it more exciting. At the same time, all of us can develop an understanding and appreciation of dancing, simply because dancing challenges us mentally, physically and emotionally.

Dancing is an excellent form of physical exercise for anyone, young or old, as it requires the use of one's energy and physical participation by every part of the body. No one can dispute the health benefits of dance.

Dancing is being taken to new heights. We are currently witnessing the unique phenomenon of dancers performing, while undergoing an open critique of their dancing by heavy-handed critics. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen. As a direct result of the open criticism, the skills of the dancers are being developed on a higher level, while the dance form itself is being refined.

Dancing is fun. Dancing comes naturally to some people, but not necessarily to everyone. Some people have to work at it! It is amazing to watch someone who knows how to dance perfectly, but there are few people who can do that. You may or may not be one of those lucky people. The important thing is this. Whether or not you dance with two left feet, just have fun with it and enjoy the dance.

Does the world acknowledge the importance of dance, one might ask. The inevitable response is probably not.

Is the world in love with dance? One would have to say that is true, but what statement is the world as a whole making with respect to dance when it comes to ethnic or cultural dancing?. Is it good or is it not good, when it expresses the heart of a nation?

Historically, the pages in the volumes written on dance will show a continuum where dance emerges either on the level of barbarianism or civilization. It may be less than beautiful in its form, or take on some form of beauty in its ultimate manifestation.

The heart of the dance expresses the vibrancy of life with its wide variety of rhythms. We see the older dance forms in contrast to the newer dance forms, as well as the older dancers compared to the fresh vibrancy of youthful dancers.

Is the world dancing in a positive direction?

Perhaps we need to analyze every dance, but maybe not. The war dances will be part of or lead to war. Dance competitions will reveal a winner, at some point in time and those who dance for enjoyment or pleasure, will continue to dance according to their interpretation of the pleasure principle.

Dance on dancers, but be aware that you are being watched by the rest of the world..

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