Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Reasons Why People Refuse Happiness: Reach Out for the Happiness That is Yours

Happiness would seem to be one of the most valuable aspects of any person's life, so why would anyone refuse happiness that was within his or her reach? There are many reasons why people refuse happiness, although others may not necessarily understand what they signify.

What is happiness? It can mean different things to people, or mean absolutely nothing to some. In other words, it can be everything or nothing, or perhaps have its signification somewhere in between.

Happiness is a bottomless bucket when it comes to defining it.

No one can decide what happiness is for another person. In other words, what makes one person happy does not necessarily make anyone, or everyone else happy. Maybe it works for some people, but not for others, or perhaps it does at certain times, but not at others. Some people always seem to be happy, while others never seem to be happy. Such is the nature of humankind. Then, there are those who are happy some of the time, but not at other times; but there are also those who seem unhappy sometimes and happy at other times. Everyone is uniquely different when it comes to happiness.

Perhaps in some ways, happiness has a genetic element conferred by one generation to the next. In other words, it is something inherited. If so, that gene would not, or could not be declined by the prospective recipient. Happiness is taught from generation to generation, although not everyone learns how to be happy. Some do, but not others.

Happiness is often associated with money and yet, money itself does not make everyone happy. In fact, it often leads people into wanting more and more. When there is an over-abundance, some people seem happy, at least for a while. When the money is gone, so is the happiness. There are those who refuse large amounts of money, simply because accepting it can result in a life that is increasingly complex, fraught with all kinds of fears and problems. Living a simple life appears to be so much easier and happier.

Love is often associated with happiness, but being loved or not being loved by someone, does not guarantee happiness or unhappiness. Loving someone does not guarantee happiness or unhappiness either.
Knowing that you are loved by God can bring you tremendous happiness, particularly if you see how this has the potential to touch and change your life. Yet, there are those who deny God and all of the happiness that He has to offer.

Freedom is another concept that is often associated with happiness. There are those whose major quest in life is freedom and others who refuse freedom, denying themselves and others the happiness associated with freedom.

No one can impose their own unique concept of happiness on others; nor do they need to do so, even if they want to at times. It is important to know that happiness is yours to enjoy and that you share your own happiness, as well as that of others. Partaking in happiness is a good thing, even though it may not always perceived that way.

A happy person recognizes his or her own happiness, as well as the happiness of others. An unhappy person may choose to wallow in his or her own self-pity or that of others, rather than seek happiness. Sometimes, unhappiness is understood or perceived in terms of self-righteousness, when it really has nothing to do with that. Happiness and righteousness are two distinct concepts. Remember that happiness can be associated with righteousness, too.

Happiness is a blessing and should be regarded as such. It is there for everyone who willingly partakes in it. Reach out for the happiness that is yours.

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