Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Best Part of a Rainy Day: Spring Moments

Occasional spring moments bring us into the realization that winter cannot last forever. One of those moments happens when the first raindrop falls in the spring. In other words, the best part of a rainy day occurs when it first starts to rain. After a long, dreary winter, there is something very soothing about the first raindrop falling, thus announcing the end to winter's long siege.

That very first spring raindrop has inherent within it, the full potential of a double rainbow, with its leprechaun magic and four pots of gold. It promises crocuses and daffodils bursting out of the ground, wherever it is warm enough. Think spring with its bunny rabbits, baby lambs and robin's nests, as well as all of the other good things that come with the arrival of spring.

The first rainfall often heralds the return of the geese to the north, their timing always perfectly in sync with spring. Watch for tufts of fresh, green grass peeking through the melting snow and new, tiny buds forming on the trees.

Tune into the gentle patter of the rain on your window. Yes, it may still turn into freezing rain, as that is a distinct possibility, but for the moment, you can breathe a sigh of relief, as the spell of the persistent polar front that has immobilized everything and everyone so dramatically all winter, has been broken by the falling of that very first raindrop.

Look out your window and watch huge puddles of water forming, as the warm rain melts the horrendous, snow banks that have almost paralyzed the flow of traffic, for the past few months. Caution is in order if you have to walk or drive, as there may be some flooding!

Should you pull out your gum rubber boots today, instead of continuing to wear your heavy, fleece-lined, snow boots? It may be a bit too early to start wearing them, but it won't be long. Perhaps you need to invest in some new ones!

Daylight saving time brings longer hours of sunshine and new energy for everything, including you, so take advantage of it and do your own spring thing! Break out of your winter hibernation mode and celebrate its arrival. Get into a regular exercise routine immediately.

See those glassy, crystal-like icicles hanging over the sidewalks, still perilously suspended from the eaves trough? They don't stand a chance in the rain, at least not for very long; nor does the snow on the roof. Icy sidewalks will soon become less perilous too, but use some rock salt on them, just in case. Beware of black ice especially at night.

It may be time for you to begin exploring your outdoor world too, as the snow-blocked nature trails start to open up again. Maybe there is some mud from the first rain? Well, that is to be expected. Your children will love puddle jumping! So will you.

Perhaps what makes that very first raindrop so special to everyone, is the joyful realization of the sky suddenly bursting open, thereby conquering winter and announcing its end. The best part of a rainy day is that spring moment with its first raindrop.

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